Примерный диалог: AT THE AIRPORT. (
A reporter, 2 tourists).
R: Good morning. Excuse me. I’m a reporter. My name is Jane Smith. Could you answer some questions, please?
T1: Yes, of course.
T2: OK.
R: Where have you been?
T1: Oh, we’ve been in Great Britain.
T2: Yes, we’ve visited England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland.
R: Can you tell me, please, what are your impressions of these countries ?
T1: Oh, it’s a great country. It’s rather interesting. I was greatly impressed by the sights: Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, Hyde Park. There are many beautiful landscapes, old castles especially in Scotland. Oh, I’ve made so many photos. I liked everything.
T2: I don’t agree at all. I didn’t like this country. These uncomfortable double-decker buses, queuing is everywhere, even at the bus stops. And the weather? It’s terrific! It rains cats and dogs every day! I had to buy a large umbrella and take it everywhere!
R: I see. Thank you. And the last question. What can you say about British character and the lifestyle? Irish, English, Welsh, and Scottish - are they different or alike?
T1: I think they are rather different. English are polite, well-mannered and they have a good sense of humour. Besides they are very prudent and careful. The Irish are very friendly. As for the Scots they are very serious, I think, rather inventive. The Welsh are very emotional people. But all British have the common point - they are very polite!
T2: I don’t agree at all! For centuries the British have been known as snobbish, aloof, hypocritical and unsociable. Besides you can hear “Thank you!”, “Please!”, “You’re welcome!”, “Not at all!” everywhere. Everything irritated me.
R: Thank you very much! Good bye!
Ts: Not at all. Bye!
Teacher: Well, your time is up. The role play is the following:
At the airport the reporter is meeting some tourists who were traveling around Great Britain and China. He wants to know what impressions they’ve got about the countries, the people and their lifestyle.
Let’s listen to your dialogues.
(Учащиеся рассказывают диалоги.)
8 Совершенствование грамматических навыков.
There is one more proverb about traveling.
When in Rome do as the Romans do. How do you understand it? … You’re quite right. All people are different. You should follow certain rules while travelling. Give advice to the visitors of two countries.
Complete the tips for visitors to England and to China using modal verbs”: must / mustn’t; should / shouldn’t.
Tips for visitors to England
1 You … push into a queue of people. (mustn’t)
2 You … be late for appointments. (mustn’t)
3 You … talk with your mouth full. (shouldn’t)
4 You … always say “please” and “thank you”. (should)
5 You … keep your distance talking to a person. Stay at least an arm’s length away.
Tips for visitors to China
1 You … kiss anyone in public – it’s very rude. (shouldn’t)
2 You … tell jokes to people you don’t know very well. (shouldn’t)
3 You … be careful when you are eating. You … leave your chopsticks pointing upwards in your rice because this makes people upset. (should; (shouldn’t)
4 When you give someone a present you … give it with both hands. (should)
Read some facts about the history of tea in Britain and use the right form of the verbs.
1 The British __ (drink) tea since 1650.
2 Since that time the British __ (import) tea from China.
3 Since 1823, London’s tea market __ (deal) in tea from India more than from China.
4 The British __ (follow) the tradition of afternoon tea for two centuries.
5 The British __ (drink) more tea each year than any other nation since then.
9 Совершенствование речевых навыков.
Teacher: So, we see that customs and traditions in Europe and Asia are quite different. R. Kipling once said:
“East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet”. Even the way of drinking tea is different. Do you agree?
Pupil: As far as I know both the British and the Chinese like tea very much. But their tastes really differ, the British have black tea with milk, toast and marmalade, cookies and buns. The Chinese usually enjoy having green tea and offer it with a bow.
Чтение с целью понимания общего содержания.
Teacher: Let’s read the dialogue “At the café” to learn more about eating habits in China and in Great Britain. (
См. приложение 2)
At the cafe
Chinese 1: I’m a Chinese returning to China from study in London, and what I’m not used to is using knives and forks. The left hand uses a fork, and the right hand holds the knife, you cut meat and vegetables. And not to mention eating noodles; you’ve got to practice for a long time before getting used to it.
British: It’s the same as us westerners not being used to chopsticks. I’m British, I’ve lived here in China for eight years already. I really like Chinese food, but I’m still not used to chopsticks. It’s no good if you don’t practice.
Chinese 2: English breakfast habits are also a little bit different from ours. For example, they like to drink cold milk, and while they’re drinking milk and eating bread, they also drink fruit juice. My stomach just can’t take cold things.
Chinese 1: I like Chinese food, and I also like western food. For example, at breakfast I drink a little soy milk, eat two breadsticks, or eat a fried fruit pancake. It’s cheap and easy, really not bad. Sometimes I eat a piece of bread with a fried egg, in addition to a cup of coffee, that’s pretty good too.
: I’m a person with a good appetite, I can eat anything. Spice, sweet, sour, salty, it doesn’t matter. It feels really good to try dishes from different areas. In China, I don’t want to go to McDonald’s because you have an opportunity here to try more different types of Chinese food. This has been a great help to me in understanding China.
Teacher: Answer my questions:
1 What was unusual for a Chinese in Britain? (using knives and forks instead of chopsticks, drinking cold milk, spice)
2 What was unusual for a British in China? (using chopsticks)
Teacher: It’s common knowledge that both the British and the Chinese care about their health. Can you prove it?
Pupil: Yes, when I was in China I saw a lot of sport trainers in the streets, on the playgrounds, in schools. The Chinese go in for sport when they have spare time. What’s more, every day no matter if it’s morning or it’s evening you can see old people dancing in the streets and in the parks. They are in such good spirits, it’s very admirable. It’s not only dancing but exercising for breath. Besides, I’ve noticed that there are less smokers in China.
Teacher: Yes, you’re quite right. There is one common thing between West and East. It’s sport that unites people. Do you agree?
Pupil: Certainly. Take for example football. It’s played everywhere in the world: in England, in China, in Brazil, in Russia and so on. It is known that a game with a round ball, which was kicked with feet, was very popular in ancient China four thousand years ago. Modern football as a popular game was developed in England in the 19
th century.
Teacher: I’m sure you remember that last year the Olympic Games took place in China… Our talk today wouldn’t be complete if we don’t mention holidays, but before it I should say that there’s a video letter for you from your Chinese pen-friend. Listen to her attentively. (
Звучит видео письмо на китайском языке)
Teacher: What is her letter about?
Pupil: Our pen-friend tells us about New Year and other holidays in China. She is going to visit England in summer. She is very much interested in the life of Englishmen, in their customs and meals. Please, tell her about it.
Учитель китайского языка (дает задание учащимся рассказать о Британии, её традициях, обычаях, праздниках, подготовить видео письмо на китайском языке).
Учащиеся рассказывают на китайском языке о Британии, её традициях и обычаях).
Содержание письма:
1 Одна из характерных черт англичан – это их традиции, которые уни уважают и сохраняют на протяжении веков. Вы можете увидеть кавалеристов в своей традиционной форме в Лондоне, которые скачут по центральным улицам. Это личная охрана и их обязанность состоит в том, чтобы охранять короля или королеву.
Около Лондонской башни находятся стражники, они могут рассказать вам об её истории.
В Лондоне проходит большое количество официальных церемоний, таких как смена караула у здания Букингемского Дворца, вынос знамени и т.д.
2 Британцы очень необычные и интересные люди. Дружелюбные и вежливые, осторожные и консервативные. Они очень бережно хранят свои традиции. В домах у них
есть камин вместо центрального отопления, дома обычно невысокие и имеют 2 этажа.
Британские двухэтажные красные автобусы, почтовые ящики и телефоны, левостороннее движение на дороге – всё это традиции.
3 Традиционная любовь к чаю у британцев известна всем. Они
любят пить чай с молоком, тостами с повидлом или булочками. В 5 часов после полудня всё останавливается на чайную паузу. Британцы пьют чай не только в домах и в офисах, но также в специальных tea-rooms. Это стало особенным ритуалом.
4 Я хочу рассказать о праздниках в Англии. У англичан есть много праздников, таких как День Св.Валентина, Пасха, Хеллоуин, Ночь Гая Фокса. Но самые популярные и любимые – это Новый год и Рождество. Новый год не такой популярный как Рождество. Некоторые его даже игнорируют и ложатся спать как обычно. Но Рождество, которое празднуется 25 декабря – великий праздник в Британии.
Есть один обычай, связанный с этим праздником. Первый гость, входящий в дом после полуночи, должен принести удачу. Это произойдет, если гостем будет темноволосый мужчина. По традиции он должен принести подарок – еду, напитки и кусочек угля.
Далее учащиеся, побывавшие в учебном туре в Китае, сравнивают культуру, обычаи и уклад жизни в Англии и Китае.
Well, our lesson is over. Thank you for being active at the lesson. I’m very pleased with your work. It was very interesting to listen to your points of view. Your marks for the lesson are the following…
Учитель оценивает работу учащихся на уроке.)
Now, please write down your hometask: AB – ex. 19, p. 59