3. Игра «Найди товарищей»
Учитель: А теперь я раздам вам карточки с разными формами неправильных глаголов. По моей команде “One, two, three, start!” вы должны найти своих товарищей и встать по трое.
4. Групповая работа
А сейчас мы разделимся на 3 группы.
Каждая группа получает небольшой текст, в котором нужно найти и подчеркнуть неправильные глаголы.
Mary got up at 7 o’clock yesterday. She washed her face and cleaned her teeth. Then she had breakfast. She took her bag and went to school.
Jane came home at 2 o’clock yesterday. She had dinner. Then she cleaned her room. She did her homework. Then she played games.
My mother came home from work at 6 o’clock yesterday. She cooked supper. Then she watched TV. She read a book. She went to bed at 10 o’clock.
Песня “Clap your hands”
Clap, clap, clap your hands
As slowly as you can!
Clap, clap, clap your hands
As quickly as you can!
Shake, shake, shake your hands
As slowly as you can!
Shake, shake, shake your hands
As quickly as you can!
Roll, roll, roll your hands
As slowly as you can!
Roll, roll, roll your hands
As quickly as you can!
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle your fingers
As slowly as you can!
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle your fingers
As quickly as you can!
Pound, pound, pound your fists
As slowly as you can!
Pound, pound, pound your fists
As quickly as you can!
Построение утвердительных предложений в Past Simple
Учитель: Гномы очень трудолюбивые. Целый день они трудятся в своей мастерской и переделывают предложения из Present в Past. Давайте им поможем.
(Слайд 6)
They skate in the yard every day.
They skated in the yard yesterday.
The weather is fine today.
The weather was fine yesterday.
We go to the park every day.
We went to the park yesterday.
I see my friend and his mother.
I saw my friend and his mother.
Children have five classes every day.
Children had five classes yesterday.
Учитель: А еще гномы любят ходить на рыбалку. Но рыбку ловят не простую. На каждой из рыбок написано предложение в Рresent или Past. Давайте поможем рассортировать рыбку по ведеркам.( На ведерках написано Present и Past). Ученики берут бумажную рыбку, читают предложение и кладут рыбку в нужное ведерко.
Учитель: А теперь мы снова разделимся на команды. Каждый член команды получает карточку со словом. Я скажу: “One, two, three, start!”, и
команды должны образовать свое предложение, встав в нужном порядке.
Построение отрицательных и вопросительных предложений в Past Simple
Учитель: Гномик Тим очень любит похвастать. Давайте не согласимся с ним. Посмотрите как это нужно делать.
(Слайд 7)
Образец: I watched TV at night.
You didn’t watch TV at night.
I washed my hands and face ten times.
You didn’t wash your hands and face ten times.
I played chess with a champion.
You didn’t play chess with a champion.
I helped my friends to do their homework.
You didn’t help your friends to do their homework.
I cleaned my teeth three times.
You didn’t clean your teeth three times.
Учитель: А теперь давайте переспросим его. Посмотрите как это сделать.
(Слайд 8)
Образец: I watched TV at night.
Did you watch TV at night?
I washed my hands and face ten times.
Did you wash your hands and face ten times?
I played chess with a champion.
Did you play chess with a champion?
I helped my friends to do their homework.
Did you help your friends to do their homework?
I cleaned my teeth three times.
Did you clean your teeth three times?
Игра в мяч. Учитель задает ученикам общие вопросы, кидая по очереди мяч. Ученики дают краткий ответ “Yes, I did” или “No, I didn’t”.
Подведение итогов. Рапись домашнего задания. Конец урока.
Teacher: Open your diaries, please and write down your home task.Everybody was very active today, so I think I should give only good and excellent marks. Our lesson is over, thank you, goodbye!
Pupils: Goodbye, teacher!