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Разработка урока английского языка для учащихся 5-6 классов по теме «Праздники» Подготовила: учитель английского языка Акцорина О. А

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Название Разработка урока английского языка для учащихся 5-6 классов по теме «Праздники» Подготовила: учитель английского языка Акцорина О. А
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Муниципальное казенное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Школа-интернат среднего общего образования»

с. Самбург Пуровского района

Разработка урока английского языка

для учащихся 5-6 классов

по теме «Праздники»

Подготовила: учитель английского языка

Акцорина О.А.



Урок английского языка для учащихся 5-6 классов по теме "Holidays"

Цели урока:

  1. Практические цели урока:

    • совершенствование навыков аудирования;

    • развитие навыков говорения (умение адекватно реагировать и самостоятельно строить предложения разной степени протяженности (краткие и полные ответы в зависимости от речевой задачи);

    • расширение потенциального словаря учащихся и их общего кругозора.

  2. Воспитательные цели:

  3. Образовательные цели: формирование общеучебных умений младших школьников (работа с учебником и раздаточным материалом, умение работать в разных режимах, умение самостоятельно преодолевать трудности в изучении иностранного языка)

  4. Развивающие цели: развитие логического мышления, воображения, памяти учащихся, наблюдательности

Оснащение урока:

- Учебник для 5-6 кл. общеобраз. учрежд. Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием / Enjoy English

- Картинки для введения в тему и карточки с буквами, карточки на соотнесение названий русских и английских праздников, тексты загадок, магниты, карточки с названиями праздников по-английски и цветные иллюстрации к ним, мяч, мешок с карточками «Слова по теме».



Картинки для введения в тему и карточки с буквами

Карточки с названиями праздников по-английски и по-русски, картинки

Ход урока

I. Warming-up activities

a) Greeting


- Good morning, dear boys and girls. I am glad to see you.

- Are you fine?

- Are you fine, Zarina?

- How are you, …?

- I’m fine, too

- Sit down, please. Let’s start our lesson.


-Hello, we are glad to see You, too.

- Yes, we are.

- Yes, I am.

- Fine, thank you. And you?

b) Doing the puzzle

Teacher: Well, students, to begin with, look at the blackboard, please. Here is a puzzle for you to do. There are some pictures. Name all the words in the pictures, take only the first letter of each word and you will read the topic of today’s lesson. For example, a hat – letter Hh.

A hat



An ice-cream



 A year

A stocking









Teacher: So, what key word have we got?

Pupils: Holidays.

Teacher: You are right.

c) Answering teacher’s questions

Teacher: Well, let’s play. Catch the ball and answer my questions.


– Do you like holidays?

– What holidays do you know?

– Say which holiday you like best?

– And what about you? Which holiday do you like most of all?


Yes, I do

Christmas, New Year’s day, Victory Day, Mother’s Day, St Valentine’s Day, Birthday, Motherland Defenders’ Day, Women’s Day, May Day, Independence Day, Easter, Day of Knowledge.

My favourite holiday is New Year’s Day.

I like Easter most of all.

II. Follow-up activities

a) Matching

Teacher: Now, friends, look at the blackboard. Read the task, please: Match the names of the holidays in Russian and in English, please. Come to the blackboard. I give you half a minute.

Ready? Let’s check.


New Year’s Day

Victory Day

Mother’s Day

St Valentine’s Day


Motherland Defenders’ Day

Women’s Day

Independence Day


Day of Knowledge


Thanksgiving Day


Новый год

День победы

День матери

День Святого Валентина

День рождения

День защитников Отечества

Женский день

День независимости


День знаний

Хэллоуин (ночь всех святых)

День Благодарения

b) Phonetic Drill

Teacher: Now, look at the blackboard. Let’s read the names of the holidays together. Well, will you read all these words and word-combinations once again, please? (one by one)

c) A Guessing Game (the riddles about some holidays)

Teacher: Well, children, I am sure you already know something about these popular holidays, now listen to me attentively and give the name of the holiday which I describe – guess the riddles.


  1. It is the most important holiday in our country. It is in spring. People have street parades in the afternoon and set off fireworks when it is dark. (Victory Day)

  2. It’s a big festival in the USA and Canada to celebrate the harvest. The special foods on the table are a turkey, sweet potatoes and cranberry sauce. (Thanksgiving Day).

  3. People decorate the houses with bright lights and ornaments. They exchange postcards and gifts. Children like this holiday very much, because they always find presents early in the morning. (Christmas)

  4. The traditional colours of this holiday are orange, black and yellow. Children dress up in costumes of skeletons, goblins, black cats and spiders. There are many jack-o-lanterns in the streets when it is dark. (Halloween)

  5. People send special cards to someone they love. Usually they don’t sign their names. (St Valentine’s Day)

  6. At this holiday in England schools close for two weeks. People give each other chocolate eggs. (Easter)

  7. It is in March. It is for women. They usually get flowers and presents from husbands and children. (Mother’s Day)

Teacher: Very good, children.

d) Writing

Teacher: Let’s work in group, children. Every group gets the holiday. You should write down the list “What do you usually do at this holiday”. Don’t tell anybody what holiday you have. Then we’ll try to guess it.

For example: You have “Birthday”

You list: We usually invite friends to our place, cook special dishes, and arrange a party.

You have 3 minutes.

Teacher: Are you ready? Let’s check up. The first group, read your list, we will guess your holiday.

Thank you!

e) Speaking

Teacher: Explain why people like holidays?

I have a sack. You’ll take one card from this sack and make a sentence with the word.














For example,

People like holidays because they have a rest.

People like holidays because they buy/make/get presents.

f) Be polite!

Teacher: Read the expressions from the book (exercise 20 page 150) and decide how you would thank your friends for a present.

Teacher: Thank you, children, that you are polite like the Englishmen. Thank you that you love English.

III. Rounding off

Setting the homework for the next lesson

Teacher: Now, children, open your day books and write down your home task for the next lesson, please. Let us see what the task is. You see, you are to write down a short story about a celebration in Russia or in America. Choose any holiday you like: name it, say when people celebrate it, some customs and traditions and special food of this holiday. Not less than 6-7 phrases. Prepare a quiz about your holiday for your classmates to do it at the lesson. You may prepare your presentation in PowerPoint if you can. Is the homework clear?

Saying “Good bye”

Teacher: Now, boys and girls, it’s time for saying “Good bye”. Well, thank you for your work, boys and girls. You are always very active at my classes and help me. Thank you for being kind and clever. I am sure now you know much about holidays celebrating in different countries of the world. Today we revised some material about some popular holidays. I hope you have learnt something interesting about well-known holidays in Great Britain and the USA.

Stand up, please.

Good-bye, dear friends.

Список использованных источников:

  1. Биболетова М.З., Трубанева Н.Н. Английский язык: Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику Английский с удовольствием / Enjoy English: Учебник англ. яз. для 5-6 кл. общеобраз. учрежд. – Обнинск: Титул, 2012. – 80с.: ил.

  2. Биболетова М.З., Добрынина Н.В., Трубанева Н.Н. Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием / Enjoy English: Учебник англ. яз. для 5-6 кл. общеобраз. учрежд. – Обнинск: Титул, 2012. – 224с.: ил.

  3. Дзюина Е.В. Поурочные разработки по английскому языку к УМК М.З. Биболетовой и др. «Enjoy English-3»: 5-6 классы. – М.: ВАКО, 2010. – 384 с. – (В помощь школьному учителю)