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Методическая разработка урока. Тема урока: Madam Tussaud’s Цели урока

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Название Методическая разработка урока. Тема урока: Madam Tussaud’s Цели урока
Дата 02.03.2016
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Тип Методическая разработка

Методическая разработка урока.

Тема урока: Madam Tussauds

Цели урока: 1) развивающий аспект: развитие навыков чтения с полным пониманием; развитие навыков устной речи (с опорой); активизация лексического материала по теме;

2) познавательный аспект: учащиеся совершат виртуальную экскурсию по музею мадам Тюссо;

3) учебный аспект: овладение всеми видами речевой деятельности: аудированием, говорением, чтением и письмом;

4) воспитательный аспект: воспитание умения работать в команде, чувства взаимопомощи, культуры языкового общения.

Оборудование урока: DVD-плеер, фильм “Музей мадам Тюссо».

Ход урока:

  1. Оргмомент: Good morning.

You are welcome to the lesson, students. Sit down.

II. The plan of today’s lesson is:

  1. We shall see the film “Madam Tussaud’s”.

  2. Then we discuss the contents of the film and prepare retelling of it.

  1. Вступительное слово:

-Samuel Johnson said two centuries ago: “He who tired of London is tired of life”. London has everything you could possibly want out of life.

Today we’ll make the excursion to a well- known London’s museum Madam Tussaud’s. Our students will tell us some words from the history of Madam Tussaud’s, about special exhibits and making wax figures.

Teacher – Group – Student

Wax museum; lifelike wax figures; statesmen; notorious criminals; Doctor Philippe Curtius; famous wax modeler; special sittings; Henry the Eight; the Chamber of Horrors; the death masks; victims; executed; Queen Marie Antoinette; actual quillotine blade

How it began

Marie Tussaud grew up in Paris in the eighteenth century. Her mother was housekeeper to Doctor Curtius, a famous wax modeler. He specialized in exhibiting models of famous people, and, as his assistant, Marie learnt how to make wax figures.

But before you will have the phonetic drills. Let,s read these words for the film. Then you will use them in your speech.

Making wax figures

Nowadays famous people give special sittings for sculptors from madam Tussaud’s. It takes about 3 months to complete a wax model.

  1. The clay body is modeled on a wire frame.

  2. Plaster moulds are made of the clay head and body. The head mould is filled with molten wax. The body mould is lined with fiberglass and then chipped away.

  3. The cooled wax head is fitted with glass eyes and real hair, which is washed and styled.

  4. The model is painted with water-colour and make up.

Special exhibits

There some wax visitors dotted around the displays, and many people are fooled by them because they look so real. There are many historical figures, too, for instance Henry the Eight and his six wives.

The Battle of Trafalgar exhibit shows scenes inside Nelson’s flagship, HMS Victory, at the height of battle. The noise of the guns was recorded on board the origin al ship, now moored at Portsmouth.

Another famous display is in the Chamber of Horrors, where there are models of some of the most notorious criminals of history.

At the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789 Dr. Curtius and his assistant were ordered to make the death masks of many victims executed by guillotine. Some wax heads made from these masks are still on show. Madam Tussaud made the death masks of the French King Louis the Sixteenth and Queen Marie Antoinette. Their wax heads are still on display, together with the actual guillotine blade used to execute them.

And now imagine we are in the street of London. One of you is the tourist and the other is Londoner.

Act out the dialogue.

Tourist: Excuse me.

Londoner: Yes.

Tourist: You see, it’s my first visit to London and I’d like to see Madam Tussaud’s. Will you tell me, where it is situated?

Londoner: Sure. It is situated in Mary le bone Road.

Tourist: Could you tell me the shortest way to it?

Londoner: You should get there by metro till Baker street Station or by taxi.

Tourist: Thank you.

Londoner: You are welcome.

IV. Развитие навыков устной речи.

1. Демонстрация фильма.

2.Контроль понимания содержания.

3. Составление плана пересказа.

Now let’s see the film. Listen to it attentively and try to understand everything you will see and hear. Use the words. Then I shall ask some questions about the details of the film.

V. Film discussing. Questions.

Answer my questions.

1.What is Madam Tussaud?

2.Whereis the museum situated?

3.What wax models are presented there?

4.What persons have you recognized?

5. What halls at Madam Tussaud’s do you know?

6.What are the wax figures doing?

7.Who gives special sittings for sculptors from Madam Tussaud’s and how are wax figures made?

8.What are there in special exhibits?

9.What were Dr. Curtius and his assistant ordered at the outbreak of the French Revolution?

VI. Чтение отрывков из текста.

And now let’s read about Madam Tussaud’s. It will be short reproduction of the film. This will be your home task to retell the film in a shirt way. Try to give equivalents to this sentences. Read the first sentence in Russian and then in English.

VII. Marks. Thank you for the work at the lesson.