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«Домашние питомцы» (Have you ever had a pet?)

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Название «Домашние питомцы» (Have you ever had a pet?)
Дата 03.04.2016
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Тип Урок

Тема урока: «Домашние питомцы» (Have you ever had a pet?)

Раздел: «Животные в нашей жизни»

Тип урока: урок изучения нового материала


1. Развивать коммуникативные навыки, умения монологического высказывания с опорой на лексические образцы и наглядность, умения работать в парах.

2. Обеспечить обучающимся, как практическое овладение основами иноязычного общения (преодоление языковых барьеров), так и их разностороннее развитие, образование, воспитание.

3. Обогащать учащихся новыми социокультурными знаниями, способствовать формированию положительного отношения к животным.

Ожидаемые результаты:

  • обучающиеся смогут: Систематизировать знания о животных

(на английском языке);

Форма урока: комбинированный урок с элементами игровой деятельности

Оборудование: аудиодиск «Enjoy English – 5класс», раздаточный материал (карточки с фразами, списки кличек животных), картинки с домашними животными, фильм Window on Britain 2.

Ход урока:

  1. Организационный момент. (речевая разминка)

- Good morning, my dear friends. I’m glad to see you. Let me introduce myself. My name is Viktoria Leonidowna. I am not alone today, I am with my tortoise. Its name is Margosha. Let’s greet each other.

Repeat after me.

It’s time to say “Hello”.

It’s time to say “Hello”.

It’s time to say “Hello”.

And start our lesson.

Sit down, please.

  1. Создание проблемной ситуации

You see that I have got a tortoise. Look at the blackboard, please. You can see some pictures there. What do you think we are going to talk about today?

Обучающиеся: -We are going to speak about pets.

Учитель: - That’s Right! We will speak about pets in general, about your pets and different pets’ names. So the theme of our lesson today is Have you ever had a pet? We will revise the vocabulary and grammar of the section “Animals in our life”. You will get a card with the tortoise for your right answers and then we’ll find out who the best student is today.

  1. Фонетическая зарядка.

We should practice our tongues and start our unsual lesson with the sounds.

You can see the sounds at the blackboard. Name the sound and the animal with this sound. Are you ready? We will work in a chain.

Возможные ответы:

[f] fox

[k] cat

[m] monkey

[s] snake

[r] rabbit

[h] hamster

[p] parrot

  1. Развитие орфографических навыков.

To revise the vocabulary let’s do the exercise. You should put the letters in the right order to make up a word.

a,i,b,t,r,b – rabbit

a,s,r,e,m,h,t – hamster

a,r, t – rat

s, m, o, u, e – mouse

g, o, d – dog

  1. Этап актуализации знаний учащихся.

I think you like riddles. Listen to me very attentively.

It is nice 
It can catch mice. 
It can climb а tree. 
It likes fish, meat. 
What pet is it? (cat)
And now is your turn to read your riddles. Your task is to guess what animal someone is talking about.

  1.  Работа с текстом.

Oh, listen. Somebody is knocking at the door. Look it’s the letter for us. It’s the letter from the club of animals lovers. There are some questions in this letter. But before we will answer them we should read the test about pet’s names. Open your booka at page 115, ex. 37. Read the text to yourself. You’ll have two minutes.

Let’s answer the questions. Who wants to read the first question?

  1. What are Diamond and Prim? (Кто такие Даймонд и Прим?)

  2. Whose dog was Diamond? (Чей собакой был Даймонд?)

  3. Whom did Prim belong to? (Кому принадлежал Прим?)

  4. Why did they become famous? (Почему они стали популярными?)

  5. Do you know any famous Russian pets? (Вы знаете знаменитых русских животных?)

Laika - a Soviet space dog that became the first animal to orbit the Earth. (Первая советская собака в космосе, которая вышла на орбиту.)

Belka and Strelka - the first spacecraft to carry animals into orbit and return them alive. (Это был первый раз, когда космический аппарат доставил животных на орбиту и возвратил их в живых.)

  1. Физкультминутка

I think you are tired. Stand up, please. Watch the video and repeat after the children.

Knees and toes. (видео)

  1. Актуализация грамматических навыков

Let’s review the Present Perfect Tense. Can you find some examples in the text.

- Now you will take a card with some phrases and ask each other different questions using Present Perfect. Start your question with the words:

Have you ever..? Work in pairs


Eat a rabbit

Feed a dog

Go to the zoo

Catch a mouse

Climb trees

Miss a pet

Buy some food for your pet

Teach parrots to speak

Go to the pet shop

Watch monkeys at the zoo

Take your pet to the vet

Take a dog for a walk

Clean the cage

Drive a crocodile

See wild animals

Have a pet

Read books about pets

Give a pet as a present to your friend

Watch TV programs about pets


-Have you ever eaten a rabbit? – No, I haven’t.

- Have you ever touched a snake? – Yes, I have.

  1. Развитие аудитивных навыков.

You have read the text about Diamond and Prim. And I think that it will be interesting for you to know about other popular British pets and their names. Watch the video and do the tasks on your desks.
Please match the numbers and the pets. The second task is to match the pets names and their owners.
In Britain there are …

8 million

7 million

28 million

  1. dogs,

  2. fish

  3. cats

Write down the name of the pets and their owners.

A dog

A rabbit

A cat

A goldfish

A tortoise

A kitten






Change your cards with your partners and check it. You can see the correct answers at the screen.

- Can you name Russian popular names?

  1. Развитие навыков монологической речи.

We have forgotten about Margosha. Look at my tortoise. It is sad now. I would like to tell you some words about it. Margosha is five years old. It is funny. I like to play with it. Margosha likes to eat different food, carrots and cabbages, fresh meat and bread. And of course, I love my pet very much.

And what about your pets? Can you tell me about them.

The answers on the cards will hell you.

Have you got а pet?

What pet have you got?

What is its name?

What colour is your pet?

What does your pet like to eat and drink?

Do you play with your pet?

Thank you for your answers. That’s all we have time for. Let’s count your tortoises. How many tortoises have you got today? Who is the best student today?

Your marks are

I give you a five for the lesson.
Затем учитель просит одного-двух учеников рассказать о своем питомце, опираясь на лексические образцы, которые записаны на доске (по вопросам):

I have got…

It was … idea to have a pet in our house.

I take care of…

My pet likes…

It can…

  1. Рефлексия

I would like to know what you have learnt today. Look at the blackboard and finish my sentences.

Today at the lesson we have:

  • got acquainted with…(познакомились..)

  • learnt…(узнали..)

  • remembered…(запомнили..)

  • done…(сделала..)

Выставление оценок с их комментарием и объявление домашнего задания.

Write down a composition about your pets, be creative, use different photos of your pets.

Thank you for your work. You may be free. Good-bye, my dear friends.