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Разработка урока английского языка в 4 классе по теме «Дом,милый дом»

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Название Разработка урока английского языка в 4 классе по теме «Дом,милый дом»
Дата 26.02.2016
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Тип Разработка урока

ТОГБОУ Жердевская общеобразовательная школа-интернат среднего (полного) общего образования

Разработка урока английского языка

в 4 классе по теме «Дом,милый дом».

Выполнила: учитель

английского языка

Ханина М.А

2013 год

План урока.


  1. расширять кругозор и формировать у учащихся интерес к культуре стран изучаемого языка;

  2. приобщать младших школьников к новому социальному опыту с использованием английского языка на материале детского песенного, стихотворного и сказочного фольклора.


  1. формировать у учащихся основ толерантности, чувства ответственности за себя и происходящее вокруг, способствующих развитию личности ребенка.

Развивающая цель:

  1. развивать интеллектуальную, эмоциональную и мотивационную сферы личности учащихся, обеспечивающих адаптацию младших школьников к новому языковому миру для преодоления в дальнейшем психологических барьеров в использовании английского языка как средства общения и творческие способности детей.


  1. обучать рецептивным (аудирование, чтение) и продуктивным (говорение и письмо) видам речевой деятельности по темам “Дом” и “Мебель”;

  2. повторить лексический материал, правила написания и произношения ЛЕ по вышеуказанным темам, грамматический материал по теме “Описательная структура “There is/are”, порядок слов в утвердительных, вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях с этой структурой;

  3. развивать умения речевой деятельности через чтение связных текстов по повторяемым темам;

  4. развивать умения аудирования и чтения с полным пониманием содержания текста;

  5. формировать навыки проектной деятельности;

  6. учить четвероклассников уважать и ценить своих друзей, участвовать в совместной деятельности (работа в малых группах);

  7. знакомить детей с миром их зарубежных сверстников, с его обычаями и традициями;

  8. оценить (осознать или определить) уровень усвоения фонетического, лексического и грамматического материала по изученным темам, а также их практического использования учащимися;

  9. учесть результаты усвоения учащимися изученных тем при планировании последующих уроков.

Оборудование урока: компьютер с видео проектором и экраном; раздаточные листы с картинками; магнитофон/CD-плеер, компьютерная презентация.

Тип урока: применение знаний на практике.

Учебник: УМК М.З. Биболетовой “Enjoy English 4” 2012 г. (3-й год обучения)

Ход урока
1. Организационный момент (слайд 1) (Start)

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! We are glad to see you here. Take your seats, please. На уроке мы с вами будем играть и соревноваться в сообразительности, смекалке, дисциплинированности.

2. Введение в сюжет урока (слайд 2)

Показ картинок и подведение к теме урока

Объявление целей урока.

Teacher : The topic of our lesson is “Home, Sweet Home”. Today we are travelling to the Town of Homesweet. Сегодня мы с вами отправимся в путешествие в Город Хоумсвит. You can’t find this town on the map of England; it exists only in our imagination. But you can see it on our map. Look at it. A lot of interesting adventures and games are ready for you.

Teacher: We are going to speak about English homes that’s why we’ll revise the words on the topics “House” and “Furniture” and the structure “There is/are”. We want to see how you remember English words, make up sentences and read the texts. (Русский перевод сказанного) It’s not very easy but we’re sure that you will cope with all the tasks. The motto of our competition is the word “Friendship”, because you are all friends. Don’t forget about it!

Teacher: We are going to travel by a red double-decker bus. This is a bus for tourists.

Teacher : For each correct answer you will get a point and a sweet. Our assistants (names) will put them into these boxes and count them in the end of our competition. The more sweets, the better marks of every team will be.

3.Речевая разминка.
Teacher/ Who is on duty today/Who is absent today/What is the weather like today/What date is it today/

Teacher : Make yourselves comfortable, please, and let’s go!(музыкальная пауза)
4. Фонетическая зарядка (Stop 1 – Drama Theatre) (слайд 3)
(Остановка называется Sweet Home - poem”, ее цель - подготовить учащихся к общению на иностранном языке. На экране спроецирован текст стихотворения. Работа со стихотворением. Вызываются желающие - по 1 человеку от команды - ; их задача - прочитать стихотворение правильно и с выражением.)
Teacher : Our first stop will be at the Drama Theatre.

Teacher : Why? What are we going to do there? To see the play?

Teacher : No, we are going to train our tongues there as actors do.

(работа со стихотворением)
Teacher: Look at the screen.. Let’s read it line by line all together and translate it.

. Thank you. Are there any volunteers from the groups who want to read the poem? 1 pupil from each group. You are welcome. Start reading. Thanks. And now it’s your turn. Well done, thank you.

I think both readers were great. And we go further.(музыкальная пауза)
Teacher: Stop, stop, please! But we forgot to tell our pupils why we are going to Homesweet. We forgot about the letter.
Children, Miss Chatter sent us a letter. Look at the screen.

5. Чтение текста со зрительной опорой.

(слайд 4) Письмо от Miss Chatter.
Teacher : Children lets read the letter and try to understand what Miss Chatter wants us to do for her. (работа с письмом чтение )

a) Контроль понимания, вопросно-ответное упражнение .

Teacher : Was everything clear for you in the letter? Answer my questions, please.

  1. Who wrote the letter?

  2. Is she a teacher?

  3. What does Miss Chatter want us to do for her? (To help.)

  4. What room does she want us to decorate?

Teacher Right you are! Miss Chatter asks us for help. We are going to decorate the living room for her. Let’ go further! (музыкальная пауза)

Пословицы. (Stop 3) (слайд 5)
Teacher : Children, look around. There are a lot of posters and slogans in the streets of Homesweet. They are all about homes. Let’s stop here and read some of them.

There are some English Proverbs and their Russian equivalents. First let’s read the English ones. (читаю сама и прошу детей повторить.) Now you can see their Russian translations. Let’s compare the Russian and the English proverbs. Which proverb do you like most? Read it aloud, please. And your team? Thank you!

(слайд - пословицы и их эквиваленты)
Teacher : I see that the inhabitants of Homesweet like their homes very much and tell us about it. But let’s continue our trip.

6. Актуализация ЛЕ по теме “Дом” в вопросно-ответных упражнениях. (Stop 4) (слайды 6 – 11)
Teacher : Well done! Thanks! And we go further.(музыкальная пауза). Our next stop will be the House of Miss Chatter. As you remember she has bought it. Look at the house. Miss Chatter wants to play with you and show you the rooms of the house. Let’s revise the names of the rooms at the bottom of the picture.
a) Answer the question: “Where is Miss Chatter?” (Screen – game “Where is Miss Chatter?”)
b) Name the rooms, please. (слайд 12)

Teacher : OK! And now, listen to my descriptions and say what room it is.

  1. It’s a room for sleeping.

  2. It’s a room for cooking.

  3. It’s a room for watching TV.

  4. It’s a room for washing our hands and face.

  5. It’s a room for working.

Well done. You remember the names of the rooms and we go further.

(музыкальная пауза).
We worked hard and we need a rest. Let’s go to the next stop and have a bit of dance and exercises.
Our next stop is THE SHOP of FURNITURE. Here it is. Let’s enter it.
7. Актуализация ЛЕ по теме “Мебель”. (Stop 6) (слайд 13)
Teacher : Look! This is our next Stop - a Furniture shop. There are a lot of different pieces of furniture.

a) Let’s revise their names and the structure “There is/are”.

(слайд мебель + оборот There is/are)

Look at the pictures and name the words. Make up the sentence with the word and the structure.

Teacher : Well done! But the shop assistants want us to do some tasks.

b)The first team will get the task to find the odd words in each line and the second is to work with the anagrams. You will have 2 minutes to do the task.

(слайд 14 – знак вопроса, выполнение заданий письменно)
Teacher : Have you finished? I want the teams to change their sheets with answers and look at the screen. There are correct answers for the tasks. Look them through and put a tick if the answer is correct. Count the points. You’ve got 2 minutes.

(слайд 15 - самопроверка)

Teacher : We worked hard and we need a rest. Let’s go to the next stop and have a bit of dance and exercises.

8. Контроль навыков УР по теме Описание комнаты”. (Stop 9) (слайд 19)
Teacher : Well done but we go further. Our next stop is the Design Studio. Here you will try to describe the room. Some of you will be designers The task is to make up sentences, describing the living rooms in their pictures.

  • Start working, please.

  • That’s right! Will you, please, say what there are in your living room? And in yours? Thank you.

  • Children, which living room is the best? As for me I like both of them. Let’s ask our guests.

  • Thank you. Each team gets … points.

  • Children, we will send your plans of the living room to our friend Miss Chatter, she will be glad, and I believe that she will chose herself the best variant. But our trip comes to an end. There is our last Stop – Finish. As they say, East or West home is best.

9. Рефлексия, домашнее задание. (Finish)

(слайд 20 – шкала оценивания)
Teacher : Let’s ask our assistants to count the points in the boxes. While they are doing it write down your home task. We ask you to write a letter to Miss Chatter and describe your bedroom; by the way, you may draw it as well.
Teacher: How many points are there? Look at the scale of results. (прочитать перевести) So the Winners are the “______”. Our congratulations to you! All the team will get a “5”. Those who haven’t won today don’t worry. I’m sure next time you will do your best and win. All of you will get a “4”.

Teacher : Children, did you like our lesson? What task did you like most of all? Well as they say,East or West Home is best.

(слайд 21)

Thank you for work. Our lesson is over. Good-bye and have a nice day!