«Проблемы окружающей среды»
Открытый урок английского языка в 5 классе
УМК 5 авторы Верещагина И.Н. , О.В. Афанасьева
Учитель: МБОУ «Гимназия №2» города Вышний Волочек , Мумлиенкова Т. Н.
Тема: «Проблемы окружающей среды»
Тип – обобщающий
Цель – развивать умение применять комплексные знания самостоятельно в незнакомой коммуникативной ситуации.
Обучающие задачи:
совершенствовать навыки монологической речи
развивать умение вести полилог
закрепить лексико-грамматический материал по данной теме.
Воспитательные задачи:
Развивающие задачи:
развитие мыслительных операций (анализ, сравнение, обобщение)
развитие способности к логическому изложению содержания и самооценки.
Оснащение урока: компьютер, проектор , CD(музыкальное оформление), плакаты, костюмы для представления проектов.
Приветствие, сообщение темы урока.
Dear friends! I am glad to see you. You can see some pictures on the blackboard. Look at them and say what we shall speak about today.
You are right. Today we’ll continue to speak about our nature and the problem how to save it. I’m sure you understand that our world is in danger and we must do everything possible to save our planet.
Now listen to me and agree or disagree.
Earth Day is on the 22nd of May.
The water in the river Tsna is clean.
Animals in our forests are not in danger.
Modern life is not bad for many animals.
People are ready to protect nature.
Fish die in dirty water.
Управляемый учебный разговор в режиме Т -> Р1 -> Р2.
Ask your friend
when Earth Day is.
if our country is in danger.
why Lake Baikal is in danger
if water is good for drinking.
how people’s activities do harm to the forests.
what the Red Book is about.
what we must do to protect nature.
Работа со стихотворением “Don’t Kill the World”. Упр.20 стр. 148(CD диск)
Переведите на английский язык, используя стихотворение:
Не убивайте мир.
Не разрушайте землю.
Помогите ей выжить.
Проверка д/з. Проекты по теме “Экология и окружающая среда”.
Пример проекта №1.
Zardark(alien - инопланетянин):
Good morning, dear friends! My name is Zardak. I’m from Vikon planet. Your planet looks so wonderful that I decided to land. I enjoyed oceans and seas, mountains and countries from space. I think you are very happy there.
P1: You are quite right. Our planet is beautiful but it is in danger now.
Z: Really?
P2: Unfortunately, it is so. You see our animal and plant worlds need protection.
Z: I was so surprised to see much water on Earth.
P2: But very little water is good for drinking. It is dangerous to use it when you cook. Even fish die in such water.
Z: I enjoyed my walks along the river banks. I think you can have a good time in summer swimming in the lakes and rivers.
P3: Not everywhere. The water in rivers and lakes is dirty, because of factories such as "Avangard", "9 January" and others. And sometimes the water is so dirty that can kill animals and plants, and it is dangerous to swim in our canals and rivers. We usually go to water reserve. The water is clean there.
Z: It’s a pity I can’t swim.
P2: Don’t be upset. You can enjoy our great forests and fresh air though in some big cities the air is dirty.
P1: When we go to our forests, we can see that some people’s activities do a lot of harm to the forests. They cut down trees, sell them, get much money, but do not think about our future.
Z: And what do you do? Do you want to save your beautiful planet?
P2: We plant many flowers and trees and take care about them in summer, build bird houses for birds, don’t pick up rare flowers and plants, help grown ups to clean parks. We take care about animals.
Z: By the way, do cats live on your planet?
P3: Of cause, this is our favourite pet.
Z: You see, recently I have visited one unusual planet and I was so shocked to see a great number of cats and I learnt a song about these nice animals. I’ll sing it you. (поет песню “Old Horace” стр. 26-27)
Вопросы по проекту:
What did Zardak think about our planet?
Did children take care about nature?
What do they do?
Проект №2.
Сюжет: “В цветочном магазине”, использован материал текста 22 стр 136-137.
Вопросы для контроля:
Why did Polina want to buy all flowers.
Whom did she want to make a present?
Проект №3.
Сюжет: Телепередача “В мире животных”. Репортаж из джунглей. Рассказ животных: крокодила, слона, тигра и панды.
Вопрос: Why did the animals ask people to help them?
Children, I like your projects. Thank you for your work. I see you understand that this problem is very important and you’ll help grown ups solve it.
Закрепление страдательного залога. Поставьте глагол в нужной форме (учащиеся выполняют задание, затем обмениваются работами и проверяют их, сравнивая с правильными ответами на интерактивной доске.)
I (to ask) the teacher to help me yesterday.
Hockey (to play) in winter.
Bread (to eat) every day.
This letter (to write) yesterday.
I (to give) a new book last Monday.
Moscow (to found) in 1147.
We (to invite) to a concert last Sunday.
Работа с текстом. Упр 10 стр 156.
Выборочное чтение и перевод.
Пересказ Р1, Р2, Р3.
Обсуждение по вопросам в режиме Т <- Р1, Р2, Р3(учитель умышленно допускает ошибки в передаче содержания, уч-ся исправляют его, используя речевые клише).
Д/З Домашнее чтение №11.
Итог урока.