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Урок по теме «Внешность и характер» по УМК Gateway B1+ (9 класс)
Практические задачи:

1. Закрепление и отработка лексики по теме «Внешность и характер»

2. Развитие навыков аудирования.

3. Введение новой лексики.

Образовательные задачи:

1. Расширение кругозора учащихся по теме.

Развивающие задачи:

1. Развитие активности и самостоятельности в условиях коллективной деятельности.

2. Развитие аналитических навыков.

Воспитательные задачи:

1. Обучение взаимодействию в работе.

Оснащение урока:

1. Учебник

2. Рабочая тетрадь

3. Карточки с текстом

4. Ноутбук
5. Проектор
Ход урока:

1. Оргмомент:

2. Проверка домашнего задания (SB, p.6 ex. 1,5,6).
3. Закрепление лексики (WB, p.2 ex. 1-4)

Режим работы: индивидуальный.
4. Работа с текстом (анализ).

And now after we have revised the words, look at the text “Hello, Dolly”.
(Hello, Dolly!

In class I like sitting next to Dolly. She is my best friend and she wants to be an actress when she grows up. She comes from Canada and she seems different from other girls. She is really confident and I love being with her because she is so funny. She has expensive clothes, though her parents can’t really afford them. She doesn’t think it is wrong to ask them to buy her designer names, and they appear to agree to her wishes very easily. She is the kind of person who prefers to buy expensive T-shirts even if she can find cheaper ones. She enjoys looking better than all the other girls, and so she feels jealous if someone tries to copy her clothes. Another thing: I dislike performing in front of other people, but she loves getting up at the parties and singing.)

Work in pairs and discuss which traits of character these two girls have. One is Dolly of course and the second is the girl describing her friend..let’s give her a name. Maybe Mary?

Well, you have 5 minutes. Write down the adjectives. Don’t forget to prove your choice.

Дети работают в парах, обсуждая характер девочек.
Possible results:

Dolly is confident, funny, jealous (mentioned in the text)

selfish (makes her parents buy her expensive clothes)

bossy, ambitious (wants to be an actress)

show off (loves getting up at the parties and singing) etc

shy, friendly, weak-willed etc
Учитель выписывает на доске прилагательные, которые называют дети. (Подтверждения из текста обязательны)
We see the girls are very different. Why do you think they are friends? What makes them keep together?
(Высказывания детей, сводящиеся к тому, что противоположности притягиваются. Что Долли нужен кто-то, оттеняющий её яркий характер. А Мери требуется ведущий, так как она привыкла играть вторую скрипку).
5. Аудирование.
Do you think this rule is actual for married people or partners?
(Students’ answers)
Let’s see how people describe each other.
Before we start listening, here is the task. Match the words with their definitions. (Pre-listening)

1. compatible

a. stunning, very beautiful

2. ravishing

b. making you feel angry

3. gorgeous

c. able to exist or be together without causing problems

4. considerate

d. thinking of what other people need or want

5. embarrassing

e. feel ashamed, nervous, worried

6. annoying

f. having a strong desire to do something

7. determined

g. extremely beautiful or attractive

Find synonyms. What do they all mean?
Now listen to the people. (Видеоряд предлагается с субтитрами)
Describing people
Which words are used most frequently? Which adjectives are positive? Negative? (After listening)
Write down new words.
6. Домашнее задание.
Learn new words. Describe two people. Make the description of Dolly and Mary’s appearance.