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Тема «Анатомическое строение тела человека» Работа со словами

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Название Тема «Анатомическое строение тела человека» Работа со словами
Дата 12.03.2016
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Тема «Анатомическое строение тела человека»

  1. Работа со словами.

Внимательно изучите слова по данной теме и выполните следующие задания

c:\users\любовь\pictures\английский - сканрование\img229.jpg

1.1. Переведите с русского на английский слова

тело - …….., рот - ……., щека - ………, сердце - ………, грудь - …….., мышца - …………, талия - ………, палец -………, колено - …….., бедро - ……., печень - ………, глаз -…… .

1.2. Вставьте пропущенные буквы

bl…od, sh…nk, p…lm, t…ro…t, ey…l…sh, n…se, ton…ue, w…rist, cl…vi…le, f…ce, fo…t, p…lvis, b…tto…k, elb…w, r…b, th…mb, sp…ne, ba…k, sho…lder, he…d, ha…r, he…l.

1.3. Подпишите картинки на английском языке

структура тела человека (биология 8 класс) - видеоуроки по основным предметам школьной программы - interneturok.ru1

как правильно производить замеры 2

рисовать карандашом мультяшек - разные методы рисования!--------------№3 ягоды годжи кожа человека картинки для детей худеем вместе! -------------№4 ---------------№5

картинка уха человека для детей архив картинок ----------------№6 изобр по сердце человека фото -------------№7

части тела - губы, глаза, улыбка, веки -----------------№8 фото, прохладном, милая, обнять, милая, действительно вылечить фото, картикни, стиль, мода, дизайн, искусство, творчество, люди, ------------------------------№9

1.4. Переведите с английского на русский

1.5. Переведите текст и составьте рассказ.

c:\users\любовь\pictures\английский - сканрование\img231.jpg

1.6. Напишите 6-8 предложений о частях тела человека. Данные вопросы смогут помочь выполнить задание.










  1. Работа с текстом

    1. Внимательно прочитайте и переведите текст

c:\users\любовь\pictures\английский - сканрование\img244.jpg

    1. Напишите название текста “__________________________________________ “

    1. Продолжите предложения по тексту

The principal parts of the human body are________________________________________

The head consists of ___________________________________________________________



The ear includes_______________________________________________________________

The mouth has _______________________________________________________________


The head is connected __________________________________________________________

The principal organs in the chest are: _____________________________________________

We breathe with the ___________________________________________________________

The heart contracts and ________________________________________________________

The principal organs in the abdominal cavity ______________________________________


He bones are covered __________________________________________________________

We have _______ fingers and ___________________________________________________

The upper extremity is _________________________________________________________

The lower extremity consists____________________________________________________


  1. Поставьте вопросы к диалогу

A. Hollow, Ann!

B. Hollow, Sasha! Why were you absent at the English lesson?

A. I was late but duty administrator sent me to college’s library. Please, tell me what did you do at the English lesson?

B. We learnt the new theme about parts of the human body.


B. The principle parts of the human body are the head, the trunk and limbs.


B. The head consists of two parts: the skull, which consists the brain and the face, which consists of the forehead, the eyes; the nose, with the lips, the cheeks, the ears and the chin.

A. It’s very interesting! I want to know more about it. Do you know about the ear?

B. Yes, the ear includes three principle parts: the external ear, the middle ear, the internal ear.


B. The mouth has two lips: an upper lip and a lower lip. In the mouth there are gums with teeth, a tongue and palate.


B. The principle organs in the chest are: the lungs, the heart and esophagus.


B. Read the text “We study anatomy” and answer oneself. Open the textbook of Avanesyants, on page 15.

A. The main organs of the abdominal cavity are the stomach, the liver, the spleen, the intestines, the kidney, the gall-bladder and the bladder.


A. The main parts of the upper extremity are: upper am, the forearm, the elbow, the wrist and he hand.

B. I know! The main parts of the lower extremity are: the leg, the hip, the knee, the calf, the ankle, the foot. Thanks! I think that I’ll remember main material about parts of the human body and I’ll go to English lesson. I want to get mark “5”. Good bye!

A. Good bye! See you later!

  1. Напишите письмо другу по теме «Мы изучаем анатомию».

Данное письмо рекомендовано использовать в качестве образца.



April 7th

Dear Jenny,

Thanks a lot for your reply! It was great to hear from you so soon!

In your letter you ask me about how we study the new theme about parts and organs of the human body. Of course it’s very interesting theme! In the practical anatomy class we study the human body. We know that the principle parts of the human body are the head, the trunk and limbs.

The head consists of two parts: the skull, which consists the brain and the face, which consists of the forehead, the eyes; the nose, with the lips, the cheeks, the ears and the chin.

The ear includes three principle parts: the external ear, the middle ear, the internal ear.

The mouth has two lips: an upper lip and a lower lip. In the mouth there are gums with teeth, a tongue and palate.

The principle organs in the chest are: the lungs, the heart and esophagus.

The main organs of the abdominal cavity are the stomach, the liver, the spleen, the intestines, the kidney, the gall-bladder and the bladder.

The main parts of the upper extremity are: upper am, the forearm, the elbow, the wrist and he hand.

The main parts of the lower extremity are: the leg, the hip, the knee, the calf, the ankle, the foot. The body is covered with the skin.

I and my friends learnt the new theme about parts of the human body. I think that I’ll remember main material about parts of the human body and I’ll go to the next English lesson. I want to get mark “5”. Do you like to study the parts of the human body? Our teacher gave us interesting two tables with the words by this theme. Did you see video material about parts of the human body? It’s very interesting and funny! If you need this video material about parts of the human body I can sent to you. Is it difficult to learn new words? What do you about organs and parts of the human body?

Please write back.

Lots of love,


  1. Напишите соответствующую часть тела и выполните мини - тест

  1. Соотношение слов

  1. Вставьте подходящие слова из рамки так, чтобы получилась метафора.

c:\users\любовь\pictures\английский - сканрование\img232.jpg

  1. Найдите правильные ответы, используя данные слова

c:\users\любовь\pictures\английский - сканрование\img233.jpg