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Презентация в 7-м классе по теме "Have you ever been to a National Park?" Опубликовано 10. 06. 2012 18: 06 Казарян Сарра Дмитриевна

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Название Презентация в 7-м классе по теме "Have you ever been to a National Park?" Опубликовано 10. 06. 2012 18: 06 Казарян Сарра Дмитриевна
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Урок-презентация в 7-м классе по теме "Have you ever been to a National Park?"

Опубликовано 10.06.2012 - 18:06 - Казарян Сарра Дмитриевна

Казарян Сарра Дмитриевна, учитель английского языка, Ледовская Наталья Владимировна, учитель английского языка

Статья отнесена к разделу: Преподавание иностранных языков

Unit 4.
How do you treat the earth?
Lesson 10. Have you ever been to a National Park?
Слайд 1. Презентация


Расширить знания учащихся о национальных парках, в англоязычных странах, в России.
Совершенствовать навыки устной речи, умения воспринимать иноязычную речь на слух, извлекать интересную информацию из прочитанного, активизировать употребление учащихся вопросительных слов.
Формировать уважительное отношение к природным богатствам.

I. Warning-up

1. Teacher. Good day, dear friends, let’s begin our English lesson.

How are you?

P1- Can’t complain.

P2-Nothing to boast of

P3-Life is going it’s usual way.

Teacher. I’m glad for you.

Слайд 2:

And now look at the blackboard and try to guess the theme of our lesson.


Unique nature as home to trees





P1-I think we’ll have a talk about the National Park.

Teacher. Yes you are right. Today we are going to continue our talk about the National Parks in England, America and in Russia.

Слайд 3

II. Фон. зарядка

I would like you listen to the poem.

Look, listen and repeat.

Some of us will rush about

Some of us are lazy

Some of us are sensible

Some of us are crazy

Let us be more sociable

Let us be more friendly

And the life is wonderful

When you are more active

I like this poem. Do you? Are your habits good?

I hope they are.

III. Речевая зарядка. Проверка домашнего задания.

You have already known a lot of facts about the National Parks.

Listen and answer my questions:

What is the aim a National Park?
How many parks are there in England and in the USA?
Have you ever been to a National Park?
IV. Развитие навыков письма. Самостоятельная работа с учебником, выполнение упражнения 3 стр.89.

V. Активизация употреблении учащимися вопросительных слов

What, why, how many, how, when, who, where.

Слайд 4.

Look at the blackboard and match these two parts.

Слайд 5-8

VI. Развитие речевых умений
Teacher. There are many National Parks in our country too. Look at the blackboard try to learn some new facts about the National Parks and nature reserves of Russia.

National Parks of Russia

Russia is a country that has a great number of national parks. Now there are 23 national parks and more then 100 nature reserves in Russia. Russian national parks protect the countryside and allow people to enjoy plants,animals and birds. People from different parts of Russia can visit national parks and enjoy the countryside.

Zabaikalsky National Park
Siberian writer Valentin Rasputin wrote that "Baikal is one of the most resonant words in the world.”  Anyone who has been fortunate to visit Zabaikalsky National Park in the Buryatia Republic of eastern Russia might add that it is one of the most beautiful places on Lake Baikal.  Established to protect the unique natural ecosystems of the Baikal watershed, the multi-functional conservation area protects part of the western slopes of the Barguzin Mountain Range on the eastern shore of Lake Baikal.  The park’s coniferous forests host a wide array of wildlife, from brown bear to Manchurian wapiti to musk deer to capercaillie.  The endemic Baikal seal frolics in the lake’s waters, feeding on the abundance of fish.  The national park is included in the Lake Baikal World Heritage Site.

Losiny Ostrov National Park
The Losiny Ostrov National Park was one of the first national parks established in the country. It is situated in Moscow, the capital of the country. This wonderful; park was the place for hunting during 18-th and 19-th centuries. Russian prices liked to hunt in this area. The park is now divided into thee parts. The first section is for recreation; the second is used for training and the third part is protected and closed for visitors.48 kinds of animals are protected there: deers, foxes,otters and many others.

Prielbrusye National Park


The Prielbrusye National Park was founded in 1986. It is located between Mount Elbrus and the Great Caucasian Mountain range. Several lakes and glaciers are situated on the territory of the park, though most of them are reached with difficulty due to their location. A large amount of wild animals live on the territory of this park. Here you can see wild mountain goats, bears, wolves and Foxes.The Park also has bird species that are found in the Russian Red Book, which include the Saker Falcon, Golden Eagle and Imperial Eagle.

VII. Thank you for your active work

Your home task for the next lesson.

You’ve received the letter from your English pen-friend. He is going to the National Park "Lake District” with his family, and he would like to know about the National Park in your region.

Write a letter to him. In your letter tell your friend about the "Prielbrusye” National Park.