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План-конспект открытого урока по теме: «Погода». Подготовила и провела учитель английского языка

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Название План-конспект открытого урока по теме: «Погода». Подготовила и провела учитель английского языка
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открытого урока по теме:


Подготовила и провела

учитель английского языка

Макаровская Л. Н.

2010 г.

Цель: научить использовать в речи безличные предложения и простое будущее время при описании погоды и времен года.


  1. Познавательная: ознакомить учащихся с названиями атмосферных явлений природы и погодой в разное время года.

  2. Развивающая: формирование способности к планированию своего высказывания по заданной теме и умение использовать в речи новые лексические единицы.

  3. Воспитательная: воспитание уважительного отношения к родной природе, уважение чувств представителей другой культуре.

  4. Учебная: формирование лексико-грамматических навыков чтения и говорения.

Грамматика: простое будущее время, безличные предложения, придаточные предложения реального условия.

Оборудование: Интерактивная доска, ручка, плакат «Дерево», конверты «Времена года» с листочками и цветами времен года, шапочки с временами года.

План урока:

I. Организационный момент.

T: Good afternoon, dear children and guests!

P-s: Good afternoon!

T: Sit down, please. I’m glad to see you. You are clever, brave and creative!

How are you, pupils?

P-s: We are fine! Thank you! And you?

T: I’m fine, thank you.

Цель нашего сегодняшнего урока научиться использовать в речи безличные предложения и простое будущее время при описании погоды и времен года.

What date is today?

P1: The 16th of February.

T: What day is today?

P2: It’s Tuesday.

T: Our topic today is The Weather.

II. Фонетическая зарядка:

T: Дети, сделали губки бантиком и сказали [w] – white,

поставили язычок на альвеолы и сказали [t], [d] – white, day, night,

поставили язычок между зубками и сказала [ ] – they.

Слайд 2.

T: Listen to me. Read with me.

Snowflakes are nice,

Snowflakes are white.

They fall by day,

They fall at night.

III. Речевая зарядка:

T: Dear “Seasons”, come here! Children, look at our seasons.

T: Olga, who are you?

O: I am happy and merry,

I sing again.

Because today

Is spring again.

O: Nick, what season am I?

N: You are spring.

O: Do you like spring? And why?

N: Yes, I do. I like go to the forest.

T: Rimma, who are you?

R: Summer’s here

Days are long,

And the sun

Is high and strong.

R: Roma, what season am I?

R: You are summer.

R: Do you like summer? And why?

R: Yes, I do. I like to swim and play games.

T: Kristina, who are you?

K: When the weather is wet,

We must not fret,

When the weather is cold,

We must not scold.

K: Serezha, what season am I?

S: You are autumn.

K: Do you like autumn? And why?

S: Yes, I do. I like to go fishing.

T: Kate, who are you?

K: This is the season

When the children ski

And the Father Frost

Brings the New Year Tree.

К: Kristina, what season am I?

K: You are winter.

K: Do you like winter? And why?

K: Yes, I do. I like to sky.

IV. Основная часть.

T: What does the weather mean?

P1: Clouds.

P2: Temperature.

P3: Wind.

T: Ok, the weather mean:

Слайд 3:

T: Temperature, atmospheric phenomena, precipitations, clouds and wind.

Слайд 4.

T: The weather can be different: zero degrees, above zero, below zero.

Cлайд 5.

T: The temperature is different in different season. How do you think what is the


Ex: When the temperature is 26 degrees above zero it’s summer.

P1: When the temperature is 23 degrees below zero it’s winter.

P2: When the temperature is 5 degrees below zero it’s winter.

P3: When the temperature is 30 degrees above zero it’s summer.

Слайд 6.

T: Look at the next picture. You can see precipitations.

Snow. Snow-fall, snow-storm, hail, hailstorm.

Rain. Rain can be: rain-fall, heavy, shower, drizzle.

Kate, read please.

K: Snow. Snow-fall, snow-storm, hail, hailstorm.

T: Kate, do you like snow?

K: Yes, I do.

T: Olga, read please.

O: Rain. Rain can be: rain-fall, heavy, shower, drizzle.

T: Olga, do you like snow?

O: Yes, I do.

Слайд 7.

T: Clouds. What do you like or dislike about the weather?

Ex. I like when is… (fine, sunny, clear)

I dislike when is… (foggy, cloudy, dull, gloomy).

P1: I like when is sunny.

P2: I dislike when is gloomy.

Слайд 8.

T: Children, what do you think about wind. Wind can be different:

North, East, South, West and also can be strong, light, warm, cold, storm and

breeze. Nick, read please.

N: Light, warm, cold, storm and breeze.

T: Nick, what wind do you like best?

N: Best of all I like breeze.

Cлайд 9.

T: Children, look at these atmospheric phenomena.

Repeat after me all together.

P-s: Thunder, lightning, rainbow.

T: Ivan, how do you translate them.

I: Thunder – гром, lightning – молния, rainbow – радуга.

Слайд 10.

T: What can the weather be like?

P1: The weather can be foggy.

P2: The weather can be sunny.

P3: The weather can be snowy.

Слайд 11.

T: Children, let’s match words to the symbols.

Anton, go to the blackboard, take pen and match words to the symbols.

T: Ok, let’s check, you are right. Who will be next?

Roma, go to the blackboard, take pen and match words to the symbols. (etc.)

  1. Sunny – d

  2. Foggy – e

  3. Cloudy – a

  4. Rainy – f

  5. Snowy – c

  6. Thunder and lightning – b.

V. Физкультминутка.

T: Let’s do exercise. Stand up, children! Look at me, listen and do exercise.





Слайд 12.

T: What weather do you like? Answer choosing some expressions:

(cool, warm, cold, hot…)

P1: My favourite weather is warm.

P2: My favourite weather is sunny.

P3: I like the weather with a lot of snow.

P4: I like the weather with light rain.

Слайд 13.

T: What is the weather like today?

P1: It is fine today.

P2: The sun is shining.

P3: It is cold.

P4: The temperature is 5 degrees below zero.

P5: The wind is blowing from the south-east.

P6: The wind is light.

Слайд 14.

T: What is the weather in the picture?

O: The weather is rainy.

N: The weather is windy.

D: The weather is snowy.

Слайд 15.

T: How will the weather change tomorrow?

Ex. In Scotland it will rain in the morning.

In Scotland it won’t rain in the evening.

D: In Wales it will rain in the morning.

D: In Wales it will rain in the evening.

V: In England it won’t rain in the morning.

V: In England it will rain in the evening.

Слайд 16.

T: Let’s play: you are the weather forecast.

What will the weather be like in our city tomorrow?

S: It will be snowy and warm.

O: The weather will be rainy and cloudy.

Слайд 17.

T: Why do we speak so much about the weather?

O: We speak so much about the weather because the weather influences our

clothes. N: Our mood. I: Our food. K: Our activity. S: Our health.

R: Our plans.

Слайд 18.

T: The weather influences our clothes. When the weather is warm or cold people

put on different clothes such as a sweater, jeans, a dress…

What do you put on when the weather is warm?

O: When the weather is warm I put on a T-shirt and shorts.

T: What do you put on when the weather is cold?

N: When the weather is cold I put on a sweater, jeans, boots.

T: What do you put on when the weather is rainy?

K: When the weather is rainy I put on a coat and boots.

Слайд 19.

T: The weather influences our food.

What people prefer when the weather is hot?

I: When the weather is hot people prefer ice-cream, salad, juice and fruits.

Слайд 20.

T: The weather influences our mood and health.

Olga, read the poem, please:

O: The sun is shining

And I am smiling

The weather is bad

And I am sad.

When it is dry

We are fine…

The weather is nice,

Isn’t it a surprise?

T: Hot weather can be a cause of headache and burn.

Cold weather can be a cause of a cold and cough.

Слайд 21.

T: The weather influences our activity.

Match the activities to the weather.

O: When the weather is sunny I will play football.

N: When the weather is rainy I will sleep.

I: When the weather is sunny I will go for a walk.

N: When the weather is rainy I will play indoors.

Слайд 22.

T: The weather influences our plans.

Match the parts of the sentences.

K: If the weather is fine I will go to the theatre.

O: If it rains I will not go to the forest.

I: If the sun shines I will play outdoors.

D: If the weather is cold I will stay at home.

S: If the weather is stormy I will not swim.

N: If the weather is warm I will put on a T-shirt.

Слайд 23.

T: The weather in proverbs. Read the English proverbs and find Russian


Olga, go to the blackboard, take the pen and write down your choice.

O: Small rain lays great dust. – Мал, да удал.

R: After a storm comes a calm. – После бури наступает затишье.

N: After rain comes fair weather. – После ненастья наступает хорошая погода

K: If there were no clouds, we should not enjoy the sun. – Чем ночь темнее, тем

ярче звезды.

I: It never rains but it pours. – Пришла беда – отворяй ворота.

S: Rain at seven, fine at eleven. – Семь пятниц на неделе.

VI. Объяснение домашнего задания.

Слайд 24.

T: Your home work: write down some sentences about your favourite season

using new words.

VII. Подведение итогов урока.

T: And now tell me, please, what do you know today.

N: We know many new words about the weather.

O: We learn to make sentences in Future Tense.

S: We learn new proverbs.

K: We learn new poems.

T: Your marks for the lesson…

Слайд 25.

Thank you!