«Мой город. Моя Родина. Мой мир» ("My town. My motherland. My world.")
Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку в 7-8 классах.
Тема: «Мой город. Моя Родина. Мой мир»
(“My town. My motherland. My world.”)
Цель: совершенствовать коммуникативную компетенцию учащихся, умения и навыки практического владения английским языком, развивать национально-культурный компонент как одно из важнейших средств духовно-нравственного развития обучающихся.
Познавательные: расширить объем знаний об историческом прошлом родного города, знакомство с достопримечательностями г. Курска, известными людьми.
Развивающие: развитие творческих способностей обучающихся, способности к самостоятельному труду, развитие умения использовать материал по краеведению, развивать духовно-нравственную культуру обучающихся.
Образовательные: развитие УУД, практика письменной и устной речи, участвовать в проектной деятельности межпредметного характера, одухотворение интеллекта в процессе образования.
Воспитательные: воспитание патриотизма, чувства гордости и любви к своей Родине, краю, чувства уважения и сопричастности к истории своего города, знаменитым людям, ценности памятников.
Форма проведения: урок – экскурсия.
Ресурсное обеспечение : герб и флаг города, карта г. Курска, стенд “Welcome to Kursk”, выставка творческих работ учащихся, буклеты о достопримечательностях Курска, стенные газеты, таблицы с историческими датами, плакат “Why is Kursk worth visiting”, выставка книг, посвященных истории г. Курска, песня «Курский вальс» муз. Л. Ингоря, сл. Ю. Лебедева, Г.В. Свиридов музыка к экранизации повести А.С. Пушкина «Метель», компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, интерактивная доска.
План мероприятия:
I. Оргмомент. Приветствие, цели. Определение темы урока. Вступительное слово учителя.
II. Основная часть мероприятия.
1. Мой город.
Видео «Добро пожаловать в Курск. Курску-980» с музыкальным оформлением («Курский Вальс» муз. Л. Ингоря, сл. Ю. Лебедева)
2. Презентация проектов:
«Знаменитые люди г. Курска»
«Памятники г. Курска»
«Курск современный»
«Курская дуга»
«Курск спортивный»
«Здоровый Курск – город будущего»
III. Моя Родина
Видео «Природа Курского края» с музыкальным оформлением (Г.В. Свиридов «Вальс» к повести А.С. Пушкина «Метель»)
«Дом там, где твое сердце»
«Красота современного Курска»
«Мир, в котором я живу»
«Я верю ...».
IV. Мой мир:
Сочинения, стихи о Родине, родном крае.
V. Мультфильм «Серафим Саровский»
VI. Практическая часть. Рефлексия.
1. “Blitz-Info”
2. “Word web”
3. Proverbs
4. Assessment Card “Complete Your Own Opinion”
5. Quiz “Are you patriotic?”
VII. Заключительная часть урока.
Рефлексия. Подведение итогов.
The development of the lesson:
Teacher: “Good morning, students. Glad to see you. Today we are going to have an unusual lesson. It’ll be a trip to our native place Kursk. Some of you are tourists. And other students are guides. What are we going to talk about? (We are going to talk about sights, monuments, museums, famous people of our town). Our task is to show the way to the main sights of our town and give some useful information.
“He who loves not his country
can love nothing”
The main part.
Part1. My town.
Video: (“Sightseeing’s of Kursk, Kursk is 980” The song “Kursk waltz” by L. Ingor and U. Lebedev)
Students speak.
P1: Dear friends. Welcome to our native town Kursk. Kursk is situated in the Central Black earth erea. Kursk is 980. It celebrates its birthday on the 25 of September.
I live in Kursk in a small town, like many other small towns in Russia. It is an ancient town. It was founded in 1032.The longest rivers are the Seim and the Tuskar. The relief is flat. There are hills around the town. There are various types of climate. Its population is over 450 thousand people. Kursk region is rich in iron.
P2: There are many places of interest: old beautiful churches, museums, monuments, theatres, cinemas, cathedrals and art galleries, parks in my town. Ancient churches and monuments to past heroism co-exist peacefully with modern architecture, parks with musical fountains.
Kursk is my little motherland. It has a long rich history. A lot of famous people were born here. For example: the composer Georgi Sviridov, the writers Arkadiy Gaidar and Konstantin Vorobyov, Evgeniy Nosov, the architect Vyacheslav Klykov, the singer Nadezhda Plyevitskaya, the scientist Ufimtsyev, Seraphim of Sarov.
In 1980 Kursk was awarded the World War Two Order. I think there is no place like home.
P3: This is the coat of arms. It is the symbol of Kursk. It is grey with a blue ribbon and 3 partridges. It was designed in 1870 by Ekaterina the second.
This is the flag of Kursk with a blue silver stripe and three silver partridges. The blue colour symbolizes the sky and the liberty, the silver one – the purity and kindness. The birds symbolize the richness of Kursk nature.
The song about Kursk tells us about the beauty of nightingale’s region. It is like a hymn of Kursk. It is about modern and ancient streets, favourite people, splendid historical sights, heroes of war.
Dialogues between tourists:
Dialogue 1
- Are you doing anything on Saturday?
- Nothing special.
- Why don’t we go to Pushkin’s theatre? What about Kursk sightseeing?
- What about the museum or the cinema? A new film is on. A good comedy with
wonderful actors.
- Good idea.
- Then let’s meet at 6 at the cinema “Yunost” on Saturday.
- OK.
- Would you like to go to the disco after the cinema?
- I don’t think so. I have to get up early on Sunday. We are going on a trip to Korennaya with our guide. Korennaya is a pearl of Kursk region. Why don’t you come with us?
- Well, why not? I think it’ll be a beautiful trip.
Dialogue 2
- Why don’t we go on excursion this weekend?
- Sorry, but I’ve already promised George to go to the Regional Museum of local lore and history, the Archaeological Museum, the Museum of Kursk Battle, the literary Museum and others. Would you like to join us?
- Oh, it’s great! Thanks, I’d love to. How about visiting Red Square? We can also visit the city museum.
- That would be lovely. But is it far from Red Square?
- No, it is not far from Znamensky Cathedral.
- Oh, I see.
- You can invite your friend to go with us. I think you’ll enjoy the excursion. We can also visit Znamensky Cathedral.
- That’s a great idea! Kursk is 980. It’ll be interesting. I’d like to see splendid historical sights, modern and ancient streets, parks, monuments of Kursk.
- OK! See you on Sunday.
Т: At our previous lessons we worked out your projects and today you’ll show us the results of this work. Today we are going to listen to the projects prepared by you yourselves. I know you’ve worked hard to be at your best and you’ve done your projects using new computer technologies. Your projects devoted to your native town. As you know Kursk has a unique history. A great number of tourists from different parts of Russia and abroad visit our town. Now let’s come to the matter.
We’d like to present the project 1
We’d like to present the project 2
We’d like to present the project 3
Part 2. My motherland
Video. “Kursk nature”. The music by G. Sviridov.
Students speak.
My motherland
P4. I live in Kursk in a small town, like many other small towns in Russia. It is my motherland and everything here is dear to my heart: people, birds, flowers, trees, shops, forests, rivers, fields. I like the proverb “There is no place like home”, “East or west, home is best” and the saying : “Home is where your heard is”, “It’s good to be where you were born”. I can say I’m a patriot of my town and love it very much. I hope I will be a useful citizen of my motherland. It will be proud of me.
P5. Kursk is unusual and different. I like the beauty of modern Kursk. I enjoy visiting churches and cathedrals, museums and theatres, historical places. They are great.
But the greatest value of our town is people. They are open hearted, kind, talented, tolerant, hospitable. They are well-known all over the world: N. Plyevitskaya, E. Nosov, A. Gaidar, V. Klykov, M. Schyepkin, Ufimtsyev. They are great and simple as nature itself. I’m proud that I’m a part of this beautiful town.
P6. I believe in my little motherland. Every person has his dear corner in the world. This is the place, where I was born and grew, where my grandfather and me grandmother were born Kursk is my home, where sounds my native language and mother’s songs. My motherland is like a mother to me. Her eyes – are blue lakes and blue rivers. I love my motherland.
P7. We should value our culture, science, our poetry and all those famous and brave people who lived in Kursk, defended it during the second world war: Sonin, Zhukov, Peryekalskiy, Zelenko, Rokossovskiy. We are proud of them. I’d like to tell you that I really love my motherland because everyone must love his native town. I’d like to see it always rich, independent, nice, dressed in blue and green, clean. Let’s hope for the best. There is no place more delightful than home.
T.: I want you to work in pairs now. Lets speak about Sviridov’s music. It is very interesting to listen to your opinion.
- How do you like Sviridov’s music?
- Wonderful! It is soft and lyrical.
- How does the music make you feel?
- It is a combination of different sounds. I feel the sounds of birds, the wind, the rain, the snow-storm and even silence.
- Does it reflect the mood and emotions of the composer?
- Yes, it does. He loved his homeland, its nature and people. He could find inspiration to write music in his native land.
- What is your favorite Sviridov’s music ?
- The music we’ve just listened to. It’s a waltz to Pushkin’s story “Snow-storm”.
To my mind it is one of his greatest works.
Part 3. My world
T: Students, you have written your compositions about your motherland, your town, your world. Let’s listen to them.
1.Students’ compositions and poems
My motherland is my world
The English word Motherland has two meanings. First, it is the place you were born in. Second, it means the house or district in which one was born.
Love of Motherland comes to people in different ways. Some people consider their home or their street to be Motherland. Some people think that Motherland is their native country. But, by all means, it is the best place. There is an English proverb “there is no place like home”. And I agree with it. It’s very pleasant to return home after long absence.
But you can love only what you know well. That’s why we should learn the history of our country and city. The more we know about it, the more we love our Motherland.
My world is my mother
What does mother means to each of us? To each of us mother is the dearest person. She is near us when we are small children. She is near when we become older. She is always ready to help us when we are in difficulties. Mother always takes care of us. She worries about us. Our mothers’ hands are always busy: she cooks and does the washing, she cleans the house and works in the garden. She can do everything for her children.
And what can we do for our mother? I think, we should help our mothers to make her life easier. We should help her about the house to give her some free time. We should not forget about our mothers when we are far from them. Isn’t it difficult to phone her or to say some kind words? We should remember an English proverb:”He who loves his mother is a real son of his Motherland”.
My world
My world is beautiful and sociable. My classmates are smart and funny. My parents are careful and kind. I do sports. I like to play computer games, swim, listen to music. I like animals. I take care of nature. I love my motherland. I take care of wild flowers and forests. I do birds’ homes with my father. I love my parents. I think the most important thing for me is to study “Knowledge is power”. Knowledge can help me to get a good profession, to understand the world and people better. I need knowledge to be more useful for my native town and my country. An English writer John Galsworthy said: “If you don’t think about the future you will not have it”.
I love my world.
My world is my creativity
A perfect mix of colours and flowers are beautiful, unusual and creative for me. I am a creative person. I like unusual things. I can see something amazing where many people do not notice anything. For me wonderful and beautiful things are skiing in the winter forest or listening to the singing of the birds, amazing, spring flowers: snow drops, forget- me-nots, lilies. Creativity means for me making of something new, unusual, valuable not only for the individual but also for the others.
People say “The best gift-it’s made with your own hands”.
I like to do different things and present them to my friends, parents. It gives me an opportunity to understand the world better, to feel joy and excitement, to broaden my horizon.
Teacher: Preparing for this activity students learned many poems about their homeland, their motherland by heart. Students are sure that their motherland is their soul, brain and light. Let’s listen to them.
I love my town
The land on which I live
Yes, I’m sure, my heart
Its truest love can give.
For it I love my town
I’ll try to be the man
My country may be proud of
If I try I can.
My dear motherland
by Udi Damti
It is so beautiful and bright
It gives me home, a shelter and light
And we are proud of its history,
Full of struggles and victories
We got this country from God as a gift,
Not just to take, but mostly to give
Our mother land takes care of you and me,
And only here can we stay forever free.
We are proud to be her loyal kids,
It brings us up, teachers and leads
It is our life, it is our best part,
It is our soul, brain and heart.
My motherland, you are
So beautiful and Bright
May we be strong
To keep your shining light.
T: You know that Serapfim of Sarov is one of the famous people of Kursk. Let’s watch it an then we’ll discuss it.
A cartoon “Serapfim of Sarov”.
T: How much have you learned?
- What is this film about?
- This film is about Seraphim of Sarov.
- What is the main idea of this film?
- The main idea of this film is to show the beauty of Russian soul. I think it teaches us about life.
- What does it teach us?
- It teaches us to be kind, tolerant to help each other in difficult situations, to be friendly, to take care of parents, to be disciplined.
- This film was worth seeing.
- I agree with you.
Practice Part
Task №1
Teacher: We’ll continue our work. Now we have a Practice Section. As you know Practice makes perfect. We’ll carry out some tasks. We’ll organize “Blitz-Info”. Give me the answers to the following questions:
1. Where is Kursk situated.
2. What is the symbol of the town?
3. What is the emblem of Kursk?
4. What is Kursk famous for?
5. What famous monuments do you know?
6. What famous people lived in our town?
7. What do you know about Seraphim of Sarov?
8. When was Kursk formed as a town?
9. The population of Kursk is
a) 400.000
b) 450.000
c) 500.000
10. Is Kursk your motherland?
11. What does your town mean for you?
12. What does the world motherland mean for you?
13. Is Kursk worth visiting?
Practice Part 2
Task №2
Teacher: Name some reasons for visiting Kursk. There are some phrases on your tables.
Fill in “word web”

has 980 year history
famous for its monuments
a lot of historical places
well famous people lived here
a tourist centre
very attractive for tourists
a monument to Nevsky, Zhukov, Rokossovsky
Korennaya Pustyn is a pearl of Kursk
Kursk is famous for Kursk tank battle
it is rich in iron
Practice Part 3
Task №3
Let’s remember our famous proverbs.
Match two parts and translate them.
1) East or west
a) is my castle
2) There is no place
b) has its customs
3) Every country
c) can love nothing”
4) Byron: “He who loves not his country
d) home is best
5) My home
e) like home
6) Home…
f) sweet home
7) Rome wasn’t
g) built in a day
Practice Part 4
Task №4
Teacher: Complete your own opinion. Use assessment card to express your thoughts.
I think
I consider
I believe
I suggest
In my opinion
From my point of view
In addition
More over
Above all
What is more
In conclusion i/d like to say
To sum up I must admin
1. The project is …
2. The description is…
3. The illustrations are…
4. The authors of the project gave …explanation (why one should visit
5. The classmates offered … photos
/a lot of/
/a great variety of/
6. The project contains convincing … on the topic
/points of view/
7. I … the project.
/didn’t like at all/
/took great pleasure in/
Practice Part 5
Task №5
Teacher: Are you proud of your nation? It’s fine to be patriotic, but it’s not good to be blind (слепой) to the faults (ошибки) of your nation and to want to be separate and better than all other nations. We are all in this world together! Take this quiz to see how patriotic you are.
Quiz “Are You Patriotic?”
1. During the Olympics, you only watch events in which people from your country are perfoming
a. True
b. False
6. You know all the words to your national anthem (гимн).
a. True
b. False
2. You have your country’s flag hanging somewhere in your room or home.
a. True
b. False
7.You prefer films that are made in your home country, or are in your first language.
a. True
b. False
3. You have friends and pen friends from other nations.
a. True
b. False
8. Your favourite rock star is from your home country.
a. True
b. False
4. You would never consider living outside your home country (if it were possible).
a. True
b. False
9. You know a lot about your nation’s history.
a. True
b. False
5. If someone criticizes your home nation, you defend (защищать) it, even if know that person’s criticisms are valid.
a. True
b. False
10. You think your country is the best country in the world.
a. True
b. False
1. a-10 b-5
4. a-10 b-5
7. a-10 b-5
10. a-10 b-5
2. a-10 b-5
5. a-10 b-5
8. a-10 b-5
3. a-5 b-10
6. a-10 b-5
9. a-10 b-5
90-100 points: You are very patriotic. It’s good that you like your country, but don’t forget that you can learn things from other nations. And people from other nations, too.
85-65 points: You seem to have a healthy amount of patriotism. You like your country, but you appreciate (ценить) other countries too. It’s important to be able to see the faults of your country and love it at the same time.
60-50 points: You are not very patriotic. Are you a citizen of the world, or do you actually dislike your home country? There are good things about any place. Maybe you have forgotten what makes your home special. Don’t take it for granted!
Look here, please. You can see the exposition of books. All these books have a lot of information about your native town Kursk. If you are not sure in your knowledge, you can learn more about past, present and future of our town from these books.
And now, as you see the work of our meeting is over, and so is our lesson. I hope all of you have got very useful information about ancient town Kursk. Maybe, you won’t be tourist managers or guides, but all of you should know the history of your homeland. You should love your native Motherland, your native town Kursk. Because, as the great poet Byron said: ”He, who loves not his country, can love nothing”.
Students, I’m very pleased with your work today. You worked hard. You are great. You all were at your best. I see you’ve got deep knowledge of the subject. I hope you enjoyed the projects, poems, compositions and other activities of your classmates, haven’t you? I’d like you to write a letter to your pen-friend from England about your native town, your motherland, your world. I’ll give you only good and excellent marks. Thank you. Good luck!