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Методическая разработка по выполнению практических работ по дисциплине Иностранный язык для студентов 2-3 курсов, обучающихся по специальностям 43. 02. 10 Туризм, 43. 02. 11 Гостиничный сервис по теме Культурные и национальные традиции, краеведение

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Название Методическая разработка по выполнению практических работ по дисциплине Иностранный язык для студентов 2-3 курсов, обучающихся по специальностям 43. 02. 10 Туризм, 43. 02. 11 Гостиничный сервис по теме Культурные и национальные традиции, краеведение
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Департамент образования города Москвы
Государственное автономное профессиональное образовательное учреждение  города Москвы
«Московский образовательный комплекс 
имени Виктора Талалихина»


Методическая разработка по выполнению практических работ по дисциплине Иностранный язык для студентов 2-3 курсов, обучающихся по специальностям 43.02.10 Туризм, 43.02.11 Гостиничный сервис по теме Культурные и национальные традиции, краеведение



Москва 2014


Пояснительная записка

Основная цель данного пособия – создание у обучающихся целостного понимания важнейших требований, предъявляемых к процессу обучения в современных условиях: 
- достижение личностного результата обучения (в частности, развитие российской гражданской идентичности с помощью материалов краеведческой направленности, изучение научных методов исследования, формирование эстетического отношения к миру);
- создание и развитие индивидуальной образовательной траектории (персональный путь реализации личностного потенциала путем получения прикладных знаний, умений и навыков, необходимых для понимания профессиональной сферы деятельности).

            Материалы подобраны в соответствии с задачей курса – развитие умения говорения.
Задача решается с помощью: различных стратегий чтения (просмотровое, поисковое, детальное); развития лексических навыков; развития навыков говорения в парах (диалогическая речь) на материале текстов по краеведческой тематике. 
Данные виды работ позволяют студентам лучше подготовиться к усвоению предстоящих профессионально-ориентированных курсов.

            Представленные материалы могут быть использованы в курсе дисциплин общепрофессионального и специального циклов.

            Настоящий практикум содержит перечень практических занятий, описание занятий, приложение. Описание каждого занятия включает разделы: цель занятия; информационную часть (текст(ы) по теме занятия); практическую часть (задания); контрольные вопросы/задания.

Практические занятие №№ 1-2

Экскурсия по Новодевичьему монастырю.

Цель занятий: 
обобщение и систематизация знаний краеведческой направленности; развитие лексико-грамматических навыков; духовно-нравственное воспитание.


  • Read the text of the excursion.

  • Make up a plan of the excursion and write down some notes on the route sights.

  • Find the English equivalents to the words and words combinations from the Russian version of text (marked in bold).

  • Ask 10 questions about the Convent (imagine you are a tourist on the route, use appropriate speech models).

  • Prepare a dialogue in pairs (Student 1 – a guide, Student 2 – a tourist).

  • Prepare a 3-minute excursion around Novodevichy Convent using different methods of presentation of the related material.


Novodevichy Convent
The Novodevichy Convent, one of Moscow`s most beautiful cloisters, is nestled in the southwest of Moscow where the Moskva River bends to form what looks like a peninsula. It is an amazing architectural monument, and also the greatest of Moscow`s attractions, second only to the Kremlin. It was a votive convent built in the early 16th century by Prince Vasily III of Moscow to commemorate the return of Smolensk to Russia from Polish-Lithuanian rule (hence its second name, Bogoroditse-Smolensky,or of the Mother of God of Smolensk, Convent). It was consecrated to the wonder-working icon of the Mother of God of Smolensk.
Legend has it that the name of Devichye Pole (Maiden Field) harks back to the time of the Tatar-Mongol raids, as it served as the place where the most beautiful girls were selected to be sent to the Horde. The convent`s name (Novodevichy, or New Maidens`), however, is believed to have been given as a distinction from the Starodevichy (Old Maidens`) Convent in the Kremlin.
The convent was a privileged and rich Moscow cloister from the outset.It was here that the noblest women of the time, from tsars` or boyars` families, took the veil, contributing their jewels, while the rulers favoured the convent and granted it land plots.
The widow of Prince Yury, the brother of Ivan the Terrible, was the first descendant of the tsar`s family to enter the convent as a nun. Regent Sophia, the half-sister of Peter I, was forced to take the vows after the suppressed Streltsy uprising. Rebel streltsy (guards) were executed in front of the windows of her cell, and Peter I ordered their severed heads to be placed on spikes on battlements along the convent`s walls. Eudoxia Lopukhina, Peter I`s first wife and the mother of Tsarevich Alexei, was transferred to the convent from Suzdal shortly before she died.
The architectural ensemble of the Novodevichy Convent is a miniature copy of the Kremlin. The oldest building in the convent is the cathedral church of the Smolensk icon of the Mother of God (the Smolensk Cathedral), built in the mid-16th century under the design by, presumably, Aleviz Fryazin. Its walls were frescoed later, during the reign of Boris Godunov, and then were repeatedly renewed afterwards. In 1683—1685, the masters of the Armoury Chamber installed a five-tier iconostasis.
In the late 16th century, under Boris Godunov, the convent was enclosed in a massive defensive wall (three meters thick) with arrow slit windows cut into it, carrying 12 battle towers (four round towers placed on the corners, and eight more square ones in between them), which was also largely based on the model of the Kremlin wall. It was essentially a fortress intended to protect Moscow from the southwest direction, with a garrison of streltsy assigned to it. In the 17th century, the towers were crowned with graceful openwork tops.
During the Time of Troubles, the convent was virtually reduced to ruins.It-changed hands repeatedly, and was eventually burnt down by retreating Poles. The accession of the Romanovs to the throne breathed new life into it. The convent was restored under Mikhail Fyodorovich, and under Alexei Mikhailovich it became the tsar`s destination of pilgrimage.
The convent truly flowered in the 17th century. Its unique architectural ensemble, built of brick and ornamented with white stone details in the Moscow Baroque style (except for the old cathedral, the walls and Irina`s Chambers), was substantially commissioned by Regent Sophia. It includes the astonishing slender filigree-styled campanile of six tiers, measuring 72 meters high; the refectory with the Assumption Church, including the chambers of Irina Godunova; the Transfiguration and Intercession Churches over the northern and southern gates, respectively, and two residential buildings for Sophia`s sisters, Tsarevnas Maria and Ekaterina.
During the reign of Peter I, the monastery opened an orphanage for girls born out of wedlock, where they were raised, brought up and taught the art of lacemaking by Dutch craftswomen sent at the behest of Peter I from Brabant.
In 1812, the convent narrowly escaped destruction. Napoleon`s army seized it, and in retreat, they mined the convent in an attempt to blow it up, even lighting fuses on barrels with gunpowder, but the nuns left in the convent managed to swamp the wicks in water just in time. Their names were inscribed in the memorial book of heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812.
Since the end of the 18th century (until 1868), the rulers used the Novodevichy Convent as a penal institution for women from the Moscow province condemned by the territorial court for unbelief.
The convent was closed after the socialist revolution of 1917. In 1926, its museum became a branch of the State Historical Museum. At that time, a museum collection was formed, including an exceedingly rich sacristy complete with contributions from private persons and the legacy of noble nuns, as well as the unique architectural ensemble of the 16th—17thcenturies. Some of the exhibits were committed to the museum from Moscow`s closed churches and monasteries through the state depository of museum holdings. The museum`s collection now numbers some 12,000 items, including old Russian paintings (by Simon Ushakov, Fyodor Zubov, Vasily Pakhomov), fabrics from the 16th—20th centuries, and items from precious metals and stones. With the convent`s privileged position, the icons contributed to its cathedrals, liturgical items, and vestments were made by only the best artists, jewelers and embroiderers of the time. The museum also features a collection of documents, comprising the convent`s archives, libraries of manuscripts and early printed books.
Since 1964, the Novodevichy Convent has been the residence of Metropolitan of Krutitsy and Kolomna.
The necropolis is one of the convent`s special attractions. The Novodevichy cemetery is divided into "new" and "old" sections. The old cemetery lies within the convent`s walls, and since the early 18th century it was the burial place for eminent and rich people, above all, the tsar`s family. In the 19th century, many prominent Russians were laid to rest here. The new cemetery was opened and used from 1898 to 1904. During the Soviet era, the Novodevichy cemetery was second in prestige only to the Kremlin wall necropolis.
In 1994, the convent resumed its function as a nunnery. Since 1995, services have been held in the Smolensk Cathedral of saints` days.
The Novodevichy Convent has been distinguished as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

1 Novodevichy Proyezd
Sportivnaya metro station
For further information call: +7 (495) 246-5607, (495) 246-2201
Opening hours: from 10 a. m. until 5.20 p. m. (Wednesday through Monday), closed for maintenance on the first Monday of each month.
Entrance fee: RUB 150.



Новодевичий женский монастырь

Один из самых красивых московских монастырей расположен на юго-западе Москвы, в излучине Москвы-реки на своеобразном полуострове. Это выдающийся памятник архитектуры, после Кремля — наиболее значительная достопримечательность Москвы. Построен был в начале XVI в. московским князем Василием III по обету в честь возвращения Смоленска России из польско-литовского владычества (отсюда второе название —Богородице-Смоленский), был освящен во имя чудотворной Смоленской иконы Божией Матери.
По одной из версий икона Божией Матери Одигитрии Смоленской была привезена в Москву в 1398 г. княгиней Софьей, дочерью великого князя литовского Витовта и женой великого князя Василия. По другой — монголы, забравшие чудотворный образ из Смоленска, принесли его в дар московскому князю. Более полувека жители Смоленска и епископ Смоленский Михаил просили вернуть городу святыню. Отсюда, с Девичьего поля, с начала Смоленской дороги, икона была отправлена обратно в Смоленск, а в монастыре была размещена ее копия.
Согласно легенде, название Девичьего поле получило потому, что во времена татаро-монгольских нашествий именно здесь отбирали самых красивых девушек, которым предстояло отправиться в Орду. Однако считается, что свое имя — Новодевичий, монастырь получил в отличие от женского Стародевичьего монастыря в Кремле.
Монастырь с самого начала был привилегированным и богатым московским монастырем. Здесь принимали постриг самые знатные женщины своего времени, принадлежавшие царским и боярским родам, которые жертвовали сюда свои драгоценности, а правители покровительствовали монастырю и жаловали вотчинные земли. Первой инокиней царского рода стала вдова князя Юрия Васильевича, брата Ивана Грозного. Здесь же приняла постриг вдова его сына, царевича Ивана, убитого, по преданию собственным отцом, сюда же, овдовев, удалилась царица Ирина Годунова (ее брат, Борис Годунов, укрывшись в монастыре, рядом с ней дожидался избрания на царство). Какое-то время здесь содержалась под стражей знаменитая раскольница боярыня Феодосия Прокопьевна Морозова. Правительница Софья, сестра Петра I, была насильно подстрижена в монахини после неудачного Стрелецкого бунта. Бунтовщиков казнили перед окнами ее кельи, а головы казненных стрельцов Петр нанизывал зубцы монастырских стен. Евдокию Лопухину, первую жену Петра I и мать царевича Алексея, незадолго до смерти перевели сюда из Суздаля.
Архитектурный комплекс Новодевичьего монастыря представлял собой уменьшенную копию Кремля. Самая древняя постройка монастыря — соборная церковь в честь Смоленской иконы Божьей Матери. Была построена одновременно с основанием монастыря в 1524–1525 гг. предположительно придворным архитектором Алевизом Фрязиным по образу кремлевского Успенского собора (ряд исследователей считает, что его строил зодчий Нестор, погибший при строительстве). Сюда же перенесли новый список Смоленской иконы Божией Матери. Стены расписывались уже во времена правления Бориса Годунова (позже фрески неоднократно обновлялись). В 1683–1685 годах мастерами Оружейной палаты был поставлен пятиярусный иконостас.
В конце XVI в., при Борисе Годунове монастырь был обнесен массивной крепостной стеной (шириной — 3 м) с бойницами и с 12 боевыми башнями (4 круглые башни по углам, а между ними — 8 квадратных), также построенной по образу кремлевских стен. По сути это была крепость, защищавшая Москву с юго-запада, с приписанным к ней гарнизоном стрельцов. В XVII в. башни украсили изящными ажурными коронами.
В Смутное время монастырь был почти полностью разорен. Он неоднократно переходил из рук в руки и в конце концов был сожжен отступающими поляками. Новая жизнь обители началась с воцарения Романовых. При Михаиле Федоровиче монастырь был восстановлен, а при царе Алексее Михайловиче стал царским богомольем.
При Петре I в монастыре был открыт приют для незаконнорожденных девочек, где их растили, воспитывали и обучали искусству плести кружева голландские мастерицы, выписанные Петром из Брабанта. Этот был далекий прообраз Московского Воспитательного дома.
XVII в.— время расцвета древнего монастыря. Практически весь уникальный архитектурный ансамбль из кирпича с применением белокаменных деталей, выполненный в стиле «русского барокко» (за исключением старого собора, стен и Ирининых палат), был создан при царевне Софье. Это — изумительная «кружевная» шестиярусная колокольня высотой в 72 м (приписывается зодчему Якову Бухвостову); Трапезная с церковью Успения, включающая палаты Ирины Годуновой (Иконостас церкви расписывал знаменитый мастер Карп Иванов); Преображенская и Покровская надвратные церкви на северных и южных воротах; два жилых корпуса для сестер Софьи — царевен Марии и Екатерины.
В 1812 г. монастырь едва не был уничтожен. Войска Наполеона, захватившие обитель, заминировали его при отступлении и даже подожгли фитили на бочках с порохом. Монахини, остававшиеся в монастыре, успели вовремя залить фитили водой. Их имена были вписаны в памятную книгу героев-участников Отечественной войны 1812 г.
С конца XVIII в. (до 1868 г.) Новодевичий монастырь использовался властью в качестве исправительного учреждения для женщин Московской губернии, осужденных Земским судом за неверие.
После революции в 1922 г. монастырь был закрыт, в нем разместился «Музей раскрепощения женщины». В его зданиях открыли ясли, общежитие, прачечные, в трапезной устроили гимнастический зал. В 20-х гг. в звоннице находилась мастерская художника-футуриста В. Татлина. С 1939 по 1984 г. в монастыре жил и работал знаменитый историк-реставратор П. Д. Барановский, спасший от гибели многие памятники русской культуры.
В 1926 г. музей преобразовали в филиал Государственного Исторического музея. В это время сформировалась музейная коллекция, в которую вошла богатейшая ризница, которая пополнялась за счет многочисленных вкладов частных лиц и наследства знатных монахинь, и уникальный историко-архитектурный ансамбль XVI — XVII веков. Некоторые экспонаты поступили в фонды музея из закрытых церквей и монастырей Москвы через Государственный музейный фонд. В настоящий момент коллекция музея насчитывает около 12 тыс. единиц хранения, включая произведения древнерусской живописи (Симон Ушаков, Федор Зубов, Василий Пахомов), тканей XVI — XX в., изделий из драгоценных металлов и камней. Поскольку монастырь занимал привилегированное положение, над вкладными иконами, богослужебными предметами и облачениями трудились лучшие художники, ювелиры, вышивальщицы своего времени. В XVI в. мастерицами Ирины Годуновой была вышита пелена «Похвала Богородице». Сюда же входит и документальная коллекция, состоящая из документов монастырского архива, библиотеки рукописных и старопечатных книг.
В 1943 г. в Новодевичьем были открыты Московские богословские курсы, через год — Богословский институт, преобразованный в Московские духовные семинарию и Академию, позже переведенные в Троицкую Лавру. В это же время Успенский собор был передан православной церкви. С 1964 г. в Новодевичьем монастыре находится резиденция митрополита Крутицкого и Коломенского.
Некрополь — особая достопримечательность монастыря. Новодевичье кладбище делится на «старое» и «новое». «Старое» кладбище находится на территории самого монастыря, с начала XVIII в. здесь разрешили хоронить именитых и богатых людей, в первую очередь, членов царской семьи. В XIX в. здесь нашли упокоение многие известные люди России. «Новое» кладбище появилось в 1898–1904 гг. В советское время Новодевичье кладбище стало вторым по степени почетности местом захоронения после Кремлевской стены.
В 1994 г. монастырь снова стал действующим. С 1995 г. в Смоленском соборе проводятся службы по престольным праздникам.
Новодевичий монастырь включен ЮНЕСКО в список всемирного культурного наследия

Новодевичий пр-зд, 1
м. Спортивная
Справки по тел.: +7 (495) 246-56-07, (495) 246-22-01
Часы работы: 10.00–17.20 (ср–пн), первый пн каждого месяца — санитарный день.
Стоимость билета: 150 руб.


novodevichy convent: #22509















Практическое занятие № 3 (2ч)

Составление маршрута: подбор и обработка материала, составление текста экскурсии по монастырю.

Цель занятия:
повышение мотивации изучения английского языка; обеспечение погружения в языковую среду, не выезжая за пределы страны; обобщение и систематизация знаний краеведческой направленности; развитие лексико-грамматических навыков; духовно-нравственное воспитание.


  • Read and revise all the related material presented.

  • Make up a route.

  • Make up an introduction for your route.

  • Prepare written description of your route sights.




The Novospassky Monastery



The Novospassky - or New Savior - Monastery lays claim to be the oldest in Moscow, and gets its name from the fact that it was originally located inside the Kremlin in the 14th Century and, possibly, before that occupied the sight of the modern Danilov Monastery. The monastery moved to the new site, on the banks of the Moskva, in 1491 on the orders of Ivan the Great.
No structures from that period have survived. The monastery came under the patronage of the Sheremetev and Romanov boyars, and benefited from a complete overhaul when Mikhail Romanov became Tsar in 1612.The bulk of the monastery as it appears today dates from that period, including the mighty fortifications - thick stone walls with seven solid bastions - which took on a more sinister aspect when the site was used as a prison camp in the early years of the Bolshevik government.
The central structure of the monastery, the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Savior, dates from 1645, although in style it is most closely related to much earlier buildings such as the Kremlin Cathedral of the Assumption, on which it was partially modeled, as evidenced by its vast arched gables and helmet-shaped domes. The fine frescoes inside are original, and depict in detail the Romanov genealogical claim to the Tsar's throne, juxtaposing it with the descent of the Kings of Israel. Sadly, they are in chronic need of restoration. Annexed to the cathedral are two later structures, the two-tiered Church of the Veil of the Virgin (1675), which housed the monastery's refectory, and the neoclassical Church of the Sign (1795), which was erected by the Sheremetev family as their private tomb.
From the same period as the cathedral are the infirmary Church of St. Nicholas the Miracle Worker and the house of Patriarch Filaret, who was in fact Mikhail Romanov's father, an influential politician forced to take holy orders by Boris Godunov. After Mikhail was elected Tsar by the boyars, Filaret returned to Moscow and ruled in tandem with his son, personally taking responsibility for reforming and improving the taxation system and pressing the claims of the church.
The other prominent building in the monastery is the vast bell tower through which visitors enter. Built between 1759 and 1785 by architect Ivan Zherebtsov, it has a wealth of late baroque ornamentation, and three of its four tiers demonstrate the different types of Greek column: Doric, Ionic and Corinthian.
The small white chapel just north of the bell-tower contains the remains of a former nun of the Ivanovskiy Convent, Sister Inokinya Dosieeya, who is presumed to have been the illegitimate daughter of Empress Elizaveta and Count Razumovskiy. Although she probably spent most of her life in a convent, her identity was adopted by the elusive Princess Tarkanova, heroine of opera and cinema in the 1930's, a Polish imposter who was supposedly seduced by Count Orlov and lured back to Russia, only to be delivered to his mistress, Catherine the Great. The identification of Sister Inokinya as the real daughter would explain her burial here in the Romanov family cemetery.
The monastery was ransacked by Napoleon's troops, and suffered a variety of indignities under the Soviets, of which its penal role was the most abhorrent, but which also included time as an orphanage, a furniture workshop, and a 'rehab' centre for alcoholics. It was turned into a museum in 1968, and eventually returned to the church in 1991. Restoration is on-going, but the monastery remains fairly ragged from rough usage. This, combined with the low number of visitors and relative emptiness of the monastery, gives the place a tranquil charm of its own.the novospassky monastery in moscow


The Danilov Monastery



Since 1983, the Danilov Monastery has been the official residence of the Russian Patriarch and the headquarters of the Russian Orthodox Church. It also holds claim to being the oldest monastery in Moscow, founded in 1282, although its checkered history and current importance give it a quite modern air.
The monastery takes its name from its founder, Prince Daniil Aleksandrovich, the youngest son of the great Novogorod ruler Aleksander Nevsky, who was the first prince of the then tiny principality of Moscow from 1276 to 1303. He was canonized in the 17th Century. His son, Ivan I, moved the monastery, its icons and its monks, to the Kremlin in 1330, and it wasn't until the reign of Ivan IV (the Terrible) that the Danilov Monastery became active again, mostly as a defensive structure.
The oldest building in the monastery today is the Cathedral of the Holy Fathers, which dates from 1565 and holds the remains of St. Daniil, and icons of him and of Our Lady of Vladimir painted around the time of the church's construction. The Cathedral has a complex structure, divided into several parts, including two chapels and a refectory. The exterior is painted white, with green roofs and gold cupolas. The main church in the monastery, however, is the 1838 Trinity Cathedral, an imposing neoclassical building by Osip Bove, the chief architect of Moscow's reconstruction after the Napoleonic Wars.
The monastery has several times in its history been at the centre of fighting. In 1591, the armies of the Crimean Tartar Khan were defeated beneath its walls. Twenty years later, the monastery was set on fire by the second False Dimitriy, and the walls and many of the buildings had to be entirely rebuilt. The French invaders of 1812 took St. Daniil's silver tabernacle, and desecrated the church interiors. The greatest damage, however, was done after the Revolution.
The Bolshevik government began to close the monastery's churches when it came to power. However, the monks continued their work until 1930, when a youth detention centre was established on the site. The monastery was reconstructed, many of the original buildings were either demolished or fundamentally altered, and the monastery graveyard - which included the tombs of Nikolai Gogol and the great Moscow pianist and composer Nikolai Rubinstein - was destroyed.
In 1983, the monastery became the first to be returned to the Church by the Soviet government. A major reconstruction project began and, five years later, the seat of the Patriarch and the Holy Synod was transferred here from the Trinity Monastery of St. Sergei. Many of the buildings which are now contained in the monastery are recent additions, including the Residence of the Patriarch and the Millenium Chapel (1988 was the thousandth anniversary of Christianity in Russia). Restored buildings include the late eighteenth Gate-Church of St. Simeon, through which visitors enter the monastery, and which was pulled down in 1920. Its bells were sold to Harvard University, where they are still used - the Orthodox Church is trying hard to have them returned.the danilov monastery in moscow




The Donskoy Monasterythe donskoy monastery in moscow



Founded in 1591 to commemorate Boris Godunov's repulsion of a Tartar invasion under Khan Kazy-Girey, the Donskoy Monastery is one of the most impressively fortified in Moscow, and has had a turbulent and fascinating history.
Godunov roused his troops on the eve of battle by parading the icon Our Lady of the Don, which legend claimed had been carried by Dmitry Donskoy at the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380. When the Tartar forces fled after a brief skirmish, the decision was made to build a church to house the icon on the site and a monastery around it, which would also serve to protect the main highway from Moscow to the Crimea.
The original cathedral, now called the Old Cathedral or the Small Cathedral, was completed in 1593, and is a charming example of Moscow Baroque, painted soft red with typical kokoshniki - recessive rows of corbel arches that were a feature of Russian church architecture from the 12th Century - and topped with powder-blue onion domes. It now houses a copy of the icon, the original being on display in the Tretyakov Gallery.
The monastery was originally small and poor, and was abandoned altogether in the Time of Troubles after Godunov's death, and became an appendage of the Andronikov Monsatery. During the period it was again the scene of fighting, first when taken by the Polish for a day in 1612, and then when the streltsy defeated Ukranian Cossack forces beneath its walls in 1618. It was not until 1678, in the reign of Feodor III that the monastery regained its independence and began to prosper.
The Great or New Cathedral was begun in 1684 on the orders of Tsarina Sofia, Peter the Great's half-sister and regent for the early years of his reign. The cathedral has some unusual features which can be attributed to the fact that its builders were masons and artisans brought from Ukraine. According to Ukranian custom, the five domes of the cathedral are positioned to represent the four corners of the earth, a design which scandalized Old Believers, who gave it the name "The Antichrist's Altar". The impressive eight-tiered iconostasis was carved between 1688 and 1698, and centers on a sixteenth century copy of Lady of the Don. The frescoes in the cathedral were painted by Italian Antonio Claudio between 1782 and 1785, making them the first church paintings in Moscow to be executed by a foreigner.
At about the time of the construction of the New Cathedral, the walls of the monastery were also reconstructed in Moscow Baroque style. The high crenellated red walls, with twelve crowned towers built between 1686 and 1711, resemble those of the Novodevichy Convent. Of particular note is the soaring Gate-Church of the Tikhvin Virgin, which acts as the entrance to the monastery.
The plague that ravaged Moscow in 1771 not only brought riots to the monastery - during which Ambrosius, Archbishop of Moscow, who had fled from the Kremlin, was bludgeoned to death by an angry mob - it also led to an edict from Catherine the Great that no cemetery be located within the city limits. Seven Orthodox cemeteries were then established around the city, and the Donskoy Cemetery became the most prestigious. Among the great families that began to use the cemetery were the princes Golitsyn and Zubov, who built private chapels - the Alexander Svirsky Church and the Archangel Church respectively - within the grounds of the monastery.
The monastery was closed soon after the Revolution, and it was chosen by the Bolshevik government as the site for a Museum of Atheism, opened in the Great Cathedral in 1929. Patriarch Tikhon, who was invested in 1917, was held prisoner in the monastery from 1922 to 1923, and buried in an unmarked grave there. The monastery's hospital became the city's first crematorium, and a branch of the Shchusev Architectural Museum was established at the monastery to house (in semi-secret) sculptures and ornaments from destroyed churches. Services in the Old Cathedral resumed in 1946, but only in 1992 was the monastery returned to the Church. Soon after this event, which was marked by the reburial of Tikhon, a fire destroyed all the icons in the Great Cathedral. The monastery is still undergoing restoration work, but is an active institution with a publishing house and a studio for icon restoration.


The Andronikov Monastery



This medieval monastery, located on the banks of the Yauza River, contains the oldest surviving church in Moscow, and is perhaps most famous as the home and final resting place of the great 15th Century icon painter, Andrei Rublev, who is commemorated in the Museum of Ancient Russian Art.
The Andronikov Monastery was founded in 1357 by Metrapolitan Alexei, and takes its name from its first hegumen (Orthodox abbot), St. Andronik. The Savior Cathedral, which was completed in 1427, became Moscow's oldest stone structure after the destruction of the Savior Cathedral in the Wood in the 1930's. It is a simple but attractive structure of pale brick, with layers of kokoshniki leading up to a green helmet-shaped dome. The interior was originally decorated with frecoes by Andrei Rublev and Daniil Cherniy, but only fragments have survived.
Opposite the Savior Cathedral stands the Refectory, a two-storey, tent-roofed structure built under Ivan the Terrible between 1504 and 1506. Joined to it is the Church of the Archangel Michael, which was begun in 1694 as a private chapel for the Lopukhin family. It took nearly forty years to complete after Yevdokiya Lopukhina, first wife of Peter the Great, fell from favor with the Tsar and was banished to a convent. To prevent them causing trouble, Peter had her family exiled to Siberia. This ensemble of buildings was once crowned by a magnificent neoclassical bell tower that, tragically, was destroyed by the Bolsheviks in 1929.
The monastery was, from its inception, a centre of book copying in Moscow. An impressive archive of manuscripts was kept there, but most were destroyed, either by fire in 1748 or by Napoleon's troops in 1812. Later in the 19th Century, a theological seminary was established there. After the Revolution, the monastery was swiftly closed, and became for a while one of the first penal colonies of the Vecheka (the forerunner of the KGB). Later it was allocated as housing for workers in a nearby factory. It was only saved from total destruction after World War Two, and was declared a national monument in 1947.
In 1960, the Museum of Ancient Art and Culture was established in the monastery. The main collection of icons is housed in the former residence of the hegumen, but there are various other displays in the monastery's various building. Now once again occupied by monks, the monastery is well worth visiting for an insight into medieval Orthodox culture.the andronikov monastery in moscow



The Nikolo-Perervinsky Monasterythe nikolo-perervinsky monastery in moscow



This monastery, which lies in the far south of Moscow on the banks of the Moskva River, dates back to the late 14th Century, although little is known of its history until the first written mention in 1623. However, it came to prominence under the early Romanovs, and was directly connected with some of the most important figures in the Orthodox Church in the modern age. It also contains one of the last major churches to be built in the Moscow region before the Revolution - the enormous New Cathedral (The Cathedral of the Iberian Icon of the Virgin, consecrated in 1908). Services resumed in the Old Cathedral in 1991, and the monastery has since become one of the most active in Moscow.
The Old or St. Nicholas Cathedral was consecrated in 1700 by Patriarch Adrian, the last priest to hold the office before Peter the Great's reforms of the church, which replaced the patriarchy with a Holy Synod. Adrian established his summer residence in the monastery, and oversaw the construction of the cathedral, a layered white building in the Moscow Baroque style with an elegant bell tower and extremely rich interiors that were added in the late 18th Century under the auspices of Metropolitan Platon, who also founded a seminary in the monastery.
The New Cathedral, designed by architect Pyotr Vinogradov, was built on the instructions of Metropolitan Vladimir to honor the famous Icon of the Iberian Virgin, which from the 17th Century was housed in the specially built Iberian Chapel on Red Square. The white, black-domed cathedral, which combines neoclassical austerity with elements of Russian revivalism and has space for over 3,000 worshippers, was an extraordinary project for the time, considering the distance of the monastery from the centre of Moscow and its relative unimportance in the Church hierarchy.
Perhaps because of its distance from the city centre, the monastery was not immediately closed by the Bolshevik government. Instead, it was slowly stripped of its treasures and functions and, unlike other religious institutions, suffered its worst degradations in the post-war decades. It wasn't until the nineties that any restoration began, but the monastery is now fully working again, with a seminary and a number of charitable institutions attached to it.





















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