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My family made by… My family tree

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Название My family made by… My family tree
Дата 10.03.2016
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Portfolio of


made by…

My family tree

f:\my family tree.png

When you tell about someone you should mention (когда Вы рассказываете о ком-либо, Вы должны упомянуть):

  1. Her\his name (её/его имя);

  2. Her\his age (её/его возраст);

  3. Main characteristics\traits of character\appearance (главные черты характера/внешний вид);

  4. Occupation\job\profession (занятие/работа/профессия);

  5. Hobbies\what he(she) likes to do (увлечения);

  6. Your attitude (Ваше отношение к этому человеку);

  7. Some other information (какую-либо другую информацию)

It’s me.

  1. Hello! My name is …

  2. I am … (age\возраст).

  3. I study in the 6th form at school 13.

  4. My favourite subject(-s) at school is\are… (Safe Living Basics – ОБЖ, Russian, English, Literature, Mathematics, Geography, Physical Education\P.E., Information Technology\I.T., Art – ИЗО, Music, Technology — труд, Science – естественные науки, в т.ч. природоведение);

  5. I think I am…(sociable, independent, talkative, responsible, intelligent, creative, shy, rude, loving, curious, kind, funny, naughty, athletic, non-athletic, cruel, friendly, tolerant, understanding)…

  6. I’m fond of|my hobby(-ies) is\are … (skating, skiing, gymnastics, judo, Greco-Roman style, ice-hockey, football, basketball, volleyball, drawing, listening to music, reading books, watching TV\films, playing the piano\guitar\violin,swimming, dancing, sewing, cooking)…

  7. There are three\four of us in the family. My family consists of (моя семья состоит из)…

  8. We live in(a detached house [dı΄tæt∫t]особняк, частный дом; a semi-detached house [‚semıdı΄tæt∫t] – полуособняк (дом на 2 семьи с отдельным входом), block of flats – многоквартирныйдом, a hostel [΄hכstl] – общежитие).

  9. We are a … (traditional, conservative, close, loving, warm, caring, hospitable, international) family.

  10. We like to do\doing (to walk\walking …) together.

My mother\father\sister\brother\cousin\uncle\aunt\niece\nephew\


  1. I would like to tell you about my mother\father\sister\brother\cousin\uncle\aunt\niece\nephew\grandfather\grandmother

  2. His\her name is. She\he lives in

  3. She\he is … (age – возраст). She\he is years older\younger than me.

  4. She\he is (sociable - общительный, independent - независимый, talkative – разговорчивый, responsible - ответственный, intelligent – умный/понятливый, creative – творческий, shy – робкий/застенчивый, rude – грубый, loving – любящий, curious – любознательный, kind – добрый, funny – забавный, naughty – капризный, непослушный, athletic – спортивный, non-athletic – неспортивный, cruel – жестокий, friendly – дружелюбный, tolerant – терпимый, understanding – понимающий, wise [΄waız] – мудрый, responsible, bright - способный, умный,calm – спокойный, communicative – общительный, cheerful – весёлый, cultural –образованный, frank –откровенный, generous –щедрый, fair – справедливый, good-natured –добродушный, greedy –жадный, honest –честный, hot-tempered –вспыльчивый, lazy – ленивый, modest – скромный,obedient –послушный, obstinate –упрямый, polite –вежливый, punctual –пунктуальный,smart – остроумный,reserved – сдержаный, touchy –обидчивый)…

  5. She\he is beautiful – красивая (о женщинах), handsome – красивый (о мужчинах), good-looking, nice, pleasant, neat, pretty, tall, short…

  6. She\he has green\blue\grey\brown eyes and fair\brown\black\red|long\short hair.

  7. She\he is a …motor mechanic – автомеханик, trimmer – отделочник,architect – архитектор, guard – охранник, hairdresser – парикмахер, carpenter – плотник, policeman\ police officer – полицейский, assistant – помощник, accountant – бухгалтер, driver – водитель, teacher – преподаватель, programmer – программист, a military-man – военнослужащий, shop assistant – продавецdoctor\physician – врач(терапевт), director – директор, railroadman – железнодорожник, tailor's cutter – закройщик, investigator - следователь, engineer – инженер, mason, bricklayer – каменщик, cashier – кассир,builder – строитель, confectioner - кондитер, painter – маляр, medical assistant – фельдшер, nurse - медсестра, photographer –фотограф, seamstress – швея, economist - экономист, lawyer, jurist – юрист by profession. She\he works at school\at the hospital\a plant\a factory\in the office\in the shop

  8. She\he is fond of|her\his hobby(-ies) is\are … (tobogganing - кататьсянасанках, skating, skiing, gymnastics, judo, Greco-Roman style, ice-hockey, football, basketball, volleyball, drawing, listening to music, reading books, watching TV\films, playing the piano\guitar\violin, swimming, dancing, sewing, cooking, playing on the computer)…

  9. I love\respect\admire my mother\father\sister\brother\cousin\uncle\aunt\niece\nephew\grandfather\grandmother very much.


My sister.

I would like to tell you about my sister. Her name is Liza. She is fifteen. She is eleven years younger than me. Liza is a sociable, responsible, creative, clever, athletic, good-natured but sometimes obstinate and disobedient girl. She is nice, neat, good-looking and tall, she has a good taste and dresses well. She has brown long hairand brown eyes.

Liza studies at school, in the 9th form. She studies well. Her favourite subjects are Russian, Literature, Music and Physical Education. She is fond of drawing and attends (посещает, ходит) Art school. She also likes skating and tobogganing (кататься на санках). My sister wants to enter the University and to be a designer.

I love my sister very much.